Worth Getting X-Fi Xtreme Gamer Sound Card

I got one and have it hooked up to my hi fi, for games in XP it's a good choice if you have vista everyone said go for the Xonar when i asked which card was best

I went with XP in the end, and for XP and gaming the X fi probably has the edge due to the fact it's heavily supported by most games

In vista a lot of people said they had trouble with the drivers, and that the Xonar was the superior choice
Is it worth getting this sound card for gaming when using it with 2.1 speakers (Logitech Z-4)

Absolutely not. Save yer cash :)

I have this card myself but it`s plumbed into a 7.1 system.

I`m using Vista x64 and have no problems with it.

Peter, what you probably read is the fact that Creatives EAX is supported in games. Mate, if your not going for 5.1 or 7.1, you wouldn`t even know it`s missing :)

I`ve mentioned this before @ Sound City. Best solution is an old Audigy with modded drivers for Vista. Less than 20 quid and just as good as a X-Fi ;)
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