Worth purchasing EF 70-200 L USM f4 if already own 18-135 STM?

3 Dec 2012
Northern Ireland
As the title says. I have the 18-135 (IS) and it's a great versatile lens but my current penchant is for zoom landscape photography so looking something in the 200mm range. Is it worth spending the money on the 70-200 when I already have up to 135mm covered?
I also want to step up my inventory with an L lens but is the ageing 70-200 really that much better than the modern 18-135?
Any other suggestions welcomed!
You are the only one who knows what focal length you need:

But what I can say is the 70-200 F4 is great lens but the 70-200 f4 IS is sharper than a sharp thing and has great glass.
If you are into landscape photography, I'm guessing the majority of your shots will be using a tripod ? If so why not consider the non IS version and save some pennies ? I've got this lens and its pretty sharp. However only you will know if you need the extra mm of focal length
Thanks for the replies all, been busy this past week to properly respond. The whole thing is probably moot now anyway. I actually decided to try out the Tamron SP 70-300, picked it up new for £189, it seems to have decent reviews.
Further down the line I may trade in both my 24mm f2.8 prime and 18-135mm and buy the Canon (or equivalent) 24-105 L lens. I have a 10-18mm so I don't think I'd miss the 18-24 too much but it'll be a while off yet anyway.
I owned a Tamron 70-300 VC the image stabilization was exceptional I then sold and bought the canon 70 200 F4 none IS.
The 70-200 f4 is an incredible lens - I have no experience of the one you currently have but the 70-200 fails to produce a bad picture. It is one of my favourite lenses.
I picked up a 70-200 F4 L USM at the NEC Photography Show a couple of years back before the price hike and love it to bits. Very nice lens, very sharp and I haven't encountered any CA yet at all, also very light to carry.
I have use the yamron 70-300 and it is a great lens for the money. The Canon 70-200L f4 is a very Sharpe lens and regarded as one of the industry best.
Bang for buck the Cameron is great buy us you can use for action shots as well. If using a tripod the non IS version of the 70-200L is a very buy. Models above this you start to get into diminishing returns ie 70-200L F2.8 IS USM mkii

Only you will know what is the right focal length you really need.
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