Worth upgrading from 2500k to 5820k?

20 Apr 2011
Stoke on Trent
My son is after an upgrade, as he thinks his games are lagging + he keeps telling me minimum specs for the latest games are i7

He already has a r9 290 GPU and all other components so will need the 5820k, a new MB, and new RAM (cost on a budget is around £650)
(+ i have agreed to buy his old CPU, MB and RAM at £350, so he needs £300)

is the upgrade worth it?
will he get the better performance and future proofing he is after?

Or would the Devil's Canyon be a better option for the CPU?

Thanks in advance
He won't need a 5820k for gaming, the 2500k is still a good cpu and is the cpu overclocked?

Worse case see if your board can take Ivy Bridge and look for a 3770k but again performance increase will be small (probably only notice in benchmarks) or if you do want to purchase the system look for 4970k.
Using overclocked 2500k here myself and not intending to upgrade until something quite significantly better comes up. Yes i7 will be slightly better with multithreaded games (which are not many) and it will give you a boost with multiple GPUs. I'd say depending on the games played he may see a bit of an increase in FPS but I personally feel it's gonna be marginal. There may be a bit of a difference for the newest shooters etc which I do not play so I guess I am a bit biased in that way :)
which of his games are "lagging"? also I have yet to see a game with a minimum requirement of an i7, that would be daft as it would mean 80% of the market couldn't run it. Unless anybody knows of such a game?

How much RAM is in the system and is the CPU overclocked?

On a side note I received my 5820k parts through the post yesterday, if there are any games you are specifically having problems with I can do a benchmark before and after my upgrade at the weekend.
he keeps telling me minimum specs for the latest games are i7

This would be stupid for a gaming market, not everyone has or will buy an i7, I'm yet to see a requirement for an i7, no games use multi threads yet (in most games...).
I'm yet to see a requirement for an i7

Fair few do though. Wolfenstien comes to mind... not that it needs an i7... nor does it/they state which i7...

So get your lad a nice old i7 920, that'll keep him quiet! :p
I had a bit of a chuckle to myself, I see wolfenstien needs an i7 but only a geforce 460 or AMD 6850, seems balanced...
Running an i5 2500k here at 4.5Ghz, only reason to upgrade personally would be to get onto a newer platform for no other reason than to have the latest kit. Performance wise it's been awesome, and still is! :cool:
Depending of the game your son's playing.

If he's getting poor fps in games like mmorpgs, upgrading from his i5 2500K to a i7 5820K won't really help due to the limitation of game engines and API (directx).

An overclocked 2500K would still be a good balance with a single 290, unless he plays games like Arma/Dayz etc.
The best option would be to troubleshoot his lagging problem, rather than throwing money at it.

a 2500k + 290 should be able to play anything
Thanks for the opinions.

I think between me and OCuk, we have made a new enthusiast, that is now feeling the itch to upgrade.....
(i think it is as he as seen "six core" and DDR4....)

ps his other specs are:

2500k is currently running at 4.2.
P68 Sabertooth MB
12GB ram (2x 2BG & 2 x 4GB sticks)(all corsair @ 1600 with same timings)
sata HDD's (no SSD)
Could this be more of a software issue? Perhaps its worth taking a look or perhaps doing a windows refresh. As for a hardware upgrade, an SSD would be nice :)
Could this be more of a software issue? Perhaps its worth taking a look or perhaps doing a windows refresh. As for a hardware upgrade, an SSD would be nice :)

To be honest i think he classed lag as dropping below 60FPS on ultra high, for a second or 2....
+ he is now starting to see some of his games using all 4 cores/threads @ upto 75% so he is assuming he needs more so he has some spare....

i ran a the heaven benchmark a few days ago, and this stayed mostly over 60FPS....
To be honest i think he classed lag as dropping below 60FPS on ultra high, for a second or 2....
+ he is now starting to see some of his games using all 4 cores/threads @ upto 75% so he is assuming he needs more so he has some spare....

i ran a the heaven benchmark a few days ago, and this stayed mostly over 60FPS....

Thats fair enough I guess, but I dont think the i7 will give the expected results. More performance would be gained by using a better graphics card.
To be honest i think he classed lag as dropping below 60FPS on ultra high, for a second or 2....
+ he is now starting to see some of his games using all 4 cores/threads @ upto 75% so he is assuming he needs more so he has some spare....

i ran a the heaven benchmark a few days ago, and this stayed mostly over 60FPS....
I think it could well be graphic limitation than CPU bottleneck depends on the graphic settings he uses.

For example with my 290x, I can feel the "lag" in game such as Sleeping Dogs when using highest graphic settings and Extreme AA (SuperSampling) when frame frame drop from 60fps down to around 45-47fps on minimum frame rate...but as I overclock my 290x higher, I was able to more or less keep the minimum frame rate at 50fps and there about, and the lag which I noticed would largely disappear.
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