Worth upgrading from whs 2011 to what

23 Jan 2005
Hi all I have had whs then upgraded to whs 2011 but now the children have grown up and moved out so I only have 1 pc in the house plus the server and no need to do back ups of clients (children’s ) pc’s. So I have around 10Tb of media that I want to keep and would like an easy way to access it.
So what is recommended at this time ?
Hi all I have had whs then upgraded to whs 2011 but now the children have grown up and moved out so I only have 1 pc in the house plus the server and no need to do back ups of clients (children’s ) pc’s. So I have around 10Tb of media that I want to keep and would like an easy way to access it.

I upgraded to WSE 2016. You still need to back up your PC, don't you?
I manually just move anything new over atm, can I ask when you upgraded

I upgraded to WSE 2012 in ~2014 and WSE 2016 in late 2016 or early 2017. My main uses for it are backups and WSUS. I have a number of PCs but really only use this one and a second PC for when this one is occupied.
UnRAID is pretty much my default position on this. Inexpensive, highly flexible and no planned obselesence/updates for life.
I used Unraid for storing all my important files (mainly photo's), as well as movies/tv/music. It also has the facility to run so much software, it will do everything you ever need it to do.

The system sets up shares to allow clients to get access to the data, I have Android, IOS and Windows systems accessing it daily. It hosts my Plex server, allowing everything from phone/tablet/pc/TV to stream all my movies/tv programs.

Feel free to trust me a message if you have a specific requirement that may fall outside of what is allowed to be discussed on here.
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