Worth upgrading my iPhone 2G yet?

6 Aug 2004
I didnt fancy getting a 3G as i thought it wasnt worth it.

My 2G is currently in the process of being replaced kindly by apple. When i get the brand new replacement, should i sell it and buy something better like the 3G or 3Gs ? Or just use the 2G and get on with it.

I have started using the internet on it allot, so 3G would be brilliant.

Thanks for any ideas, im unsure on wether its worth it or not and this seems the best time for me to do it if i am.
I've been thinking the same thing today. Had a go on a friend's 3GS last week and it's much, much quicker. I've had my 2G since the day of launch and it's been fine. The contract has now expired, so I can start a new one if I wish. Not sure whether to: a) Flog the 2G and get a 3GS, or b) Give the 2G to the Mrs and get a PAYG contract and buy a 3GS for myself... or c) Keep the 2G and wait.
I've still got my 2G, don't see the point in getting a 3GS just for the speed increase. I've got no great yearning for GPS still.

Figuring Apple have got to change the game next time, surely they can't release a 4th almost identical phone in a row?
2G --> 3GS here.

Absolutely WORTH IT if you can afford it.

GPS is a god send, 3G, the extra speed, etc.

The ability for it to send GPS data so people can track you, Bluetooth audio, the touch surface, video...

Totally worth it.

Sold my damaged 2G (tho working) for £190 by a lucky ebay sale!

I will skip the 4th Gen iPhone and get my next one in 2011!
Not sure if it is worth upgrading from the 2G yet, there isn't really anything apart from GPS and 3G that is worth the outlay IMO.
Probably better off saving your money, not much better than the 2G once the novelty of 'omg GPS lul' wares off.

The 3G internet is much better than EDGE though.
Not sure if it is worth upgrading from the 2G yet, there isn't really anything apart from GPS and 3G that is worth the outlay IMO.

Well at what point does it make it worth it?

What apart from 4G internet, N WiFi, higher res screen, better battery could apple possibly add [that isn't done in software]
Aside from the things above and a flash camera I agree, can't see them radically changing anything that is working so well at the moment for them.
TBH I don't think the extra features of the 3GS justifies having if you already got the 2G. The extra speed is good for general use but the 2G wasn't exactly slow and sluggish. I turn my 3G off on my 3GS because it drains too much battery, with it off I can now easily last a whole day if not more.
Well at what point does it make it worth it?

What apart from 4G internet, N WiFi, higher res screen, better battery could apple possibly add [that isn't done in software]

Some good points.

TBH I don't think the extra features of the 3GS justifies having if you already got the 2G. The extra speed is good for general use but the 2G wasn't exactly slow and sluggish.

Exactly my thinking.
I still have my 2G iPhone as I didn't see the point in upgrading. I can't get 3G in my area any way, maybe would only use the gps occasionally, not worth it for me. When they were announcing the 3gs I was only going to upgrade if it looked different, that didn't happen. Plus I love the metal back on the 2G :D
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