Worth Upgrading Ram?

26 Dec 2005
Hey guys, my system on my sig is a bit out of date now so i'll restate it quickly

MSI K8n SLI Mobo
BFG Geforce 7900GT
AMD 64 3200+
Corsair 1 GB DDR XMS3200C2PT TwinX

Is it perhaps worth upgrading to 2GB now, getting brand new ram 2 x 1gb corsair ram and then selling my old ram (2 x 512). I play most of the top games avaliable and am a frequent pc user.
For gaming, 2GB's highly recommended - especially with that GFX. And yes 2x1GB as opposed to 4x512MB on A64 system :) I'll say get value stuff because they do the job, but if overclocking wait for other opinion :cool:

Cheers for response. Im not too fussed about overclocking as my mobo isnt the best for overclocking anyway.

Im not sure which ram to opt for:

G.Skill 2GB DDR ZX PC3200 (2x1GB) CAS2 Dual Channel Kit (F1-3200PHU2-2GBZX) (MY-007-GS)


Corsair 2GB DDR XMS3200C2PT TwinX (2x1GB) CAS2 (MY-079-CS)

I want to order before 4 so quick responses would be really apprciated :)

P.S The G.Skill is £12 so if it's not worth the difference then thers no point.
Tight timings it is then.

From my own reasearch on OcUK Forums, its my understanding that the Corsair only does 2.5 on a A64 system. Not that bad considering that some people argue that 2.5 is much better than 2 on said system. But, from the two I'd go for the cheaper one :)
Hey guys, recieved the ram, installed and booted first time no problems. Played games all yesterday and noticed the difference of 2Gb straight away. However today ive had some major problems, i booted up half life 2 and as i started the pc shut off and i got a nice blue screen of death telling me, irql_not_less_or_equal

Ive researched and found out that this error is common with hardwares problems and in particular cpu and ram. Ive never had any problems until i installed the ram, and now i have had that error message occur 4/5 times. Nothing has been overclocked and i dont really know what to change or what to do basically, could the ram be faulty. Ive ran prime95 for 6 hours and had no problems earlier, also ran mem test which reported strange errors (had to run two applications at the same time because it cam only test a certain amount of ram) and i got errors such as loads of random numbers do not match.

Im not really sure where to go from here, everything runs stable at the moment but it can randomly shut off at any point...

Please help offer advice as it is most appreciated!

Yeah, definitely RAM, I've had too many bad experiences with that blue screen.

If memtest is reporting errors I'd RMA the RAM. Overclockers are very good with this kind of thing and if you explain I am sure they'll be happy to replace it.

Are you running the RAM in dual or single channel by the way?
Im running the ram in dual channel. I always thought corsair were really reliable when it came down to reliable memory :confused:

Anyone other suggestions?
Stearsy said:
Im running the ram in dual channel. I always thought corsair were really reliable when it came down to reliable memory :confused:

Anyone other suggestions?

Crucial are very stable, if you want really reliable ram crucial is the way to go, EXCEPT the hickup with the Ballistix lol
Hmm i've just ran mem test again becuase it seemed i was making a mistake when running the test.

I ran two copies of the software, each running 850mb of ram and recieved absolutely no problems and easily reached 100% with no errors. It's a strange problem really, not having any problems at the moment but it could still shut off raondly with that message.
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