Worth upgrading?



18 Oct 2002
Alright guys, not posted in this section for a few years!

Just realised next month my current pc will be 3 years old! This is quite shocking as previous to this I upgraded every 6 months as I was an avid gamer. Also is quite shocking to think I've been pumping 2v through this poor cpu (1.5v stock), running it at 200fsb (133fsb chip) and with almost a 1 ghz overclock (1466mhz > 2400mhz). It has run this 24/7 for the last 3 years, never crashed! - not bad value for the £45 or whatever I paid for it originally :) Rest of spec is NF7-S v2, 512mb TwinMOS PC3200 in dual channel and a 9800 Pro when I can be arsed to fix it.

As I don't play many (read: any) pc games any more, it hasn't really bothered me. But I was thinking as I have a bit of spare cash, is it worth upgrading. I've often thought recently that it could be a bit quicker etc at certain things. I use photoshop CS2 and this takes ages to load up compared to photoshop 6 used to. I also do a bit of video editing, tonnes of programs open at once and never ever reboot it unless its going slow. Will an upgrade make THAT much of a difference?

Also, I've never been one to spend a load of money so value for money is an issue. I've always had a maximum amount I'd like to spend on pc components and stuck to it, this is £150 for a cpu, £100 for a motherboard and whatever it costs to get some good value ram. I don't think I need to upgrade my video card. So for this kinda budget would it be worthwhile? Otherwise I'll buy myself a new monitor as they are damn cheap compared to what they were back in the day. My 17" 20ms Hercules 920DVI was almost £400!
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