Worth upgrading

this is my whole setup

My comp setup

x2 4400
dfi lanparty expert
2gb corsair 3500ll
2x 7800gtx ee 490/1300 in sli
150gb raptor
250gb sataII
audigy 4pro
7.1 td7700 speakers
tagan 580w easycon psu
lian li v1000+ black
dell 2405fpw

My watercooling setup

cpu:swiftech storm
gpu:maze 4 lp sli kit
res:thermotube 10"
rad:thermotube pa120.2
pump:dander den d5
tubeing: tygon r3603
fans: panaflo l1au

Its because i have a 2407fpw and i like to run everything on full
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Explicit said:
Hmm, you have two extreme editions in SLI. Are you thinking of selling them? What kind of budget do you have in mind? Also, is the X2 running at stock speed?

Yep i have 2 in sli and the 7900 came out just after but if i never upgraded my comp when i did i never would have. I dont know bout selling them loads of people intresed so far.

Im getting reduncy pay soon and i got a job so i could blow that its 2.5k But dont kno if its worth it.

Yeh my x2 is at stock but last time i tryed overclocking it broke my memory slots.

if your going to up grade stuff from it.. i will buy those parts off you!
If i do ill see what every one offers thanks.

I was thinking someing like this but is it worth it as i say

GX-085-XF XFX GeForce 7950 GX2 XXX Edition 1024MB GDDR3 TV-Out/Dual
£448.95 £897.90
MB-142-AS Asus M2N32-SLi-DLX nForce 590 SLi (Socket AM2)
£114.95 £114.95
CP-173-AM AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core FX62 2.80GHz (Socket AM2)
£599.95 £599.95
MY-109-CS Corsair 2GB DDR2 XMS2-8500C5 TwinX (2x1GB) (MY-109-CS)
£301.95 £301.95
Subtotal £1,914.75
VAT £335.09
Total £2,249.84
Explicit said:
I think your CPU running at stock speed is the bottleneck on your current rig. I would overclock it to atleast 2.6GHz and that would help quite a lot in games. Also, there's nothing wrong with your extreme editions (basically they're roughly equivalent to two normal 7900GTs in sli).

I dont want to overclock because one i dont really kno what i am doing and two last time i did it my computer broke. I dont think there bad cars just sluggish wen it comes to 1920x1200 in new games because it jumps can overclock them wither because i get artifacts.

That would be one mighty upgrade, but I personally don't think it would be worth blowing your entire redundancy payment.

If you overclock your current cpu to 2.8GHz, it will perform exactly the same as the FX62 and you would save yourself from buying a £750 CPU, new AM2 mobo and DDR2 ram (which you don't really need). You have the best overclocking mobo and watercooling...2.8Ghz should be a stroll in the park for your rig.

Also, you cannot run quad sli at the moment as the drivers are still being worked on. And I don't think it's worth spending £1000 on quad sli. Try overclocking the CPU first before buying new graphics cards. If that still isn't good enough, then maybe consider some 7900GTXs (they won't eat much of your redundancy payment, they'll cost around £600 and you could sell your current EE's to recoup some of the outlay)[/

Ok i can see your point just im no pro overclocker if you get me. I didnt really want to change my ring as i spent 4k on it all ready. Just i thought with nearly 4k in the bank why not
Explicit said:
Fair enough mate. But do you have any techy mates who could help you out? Because you could seriously make that X2 fly (DFI Expert + Watercooling = perfect recipe).

But then again, if you've got money then I guess you don't really need to worry about it.

Im the best at computers that why i had the guts to build a 4k comp with watercooling but the 1 thing i aint got a clue on is overclocking. I Think im just going to have to read up on how to overclock and learn and get my comp fixed ( my sound card broke and my mobo is still havnt sent my mobo back from breaking it from trying to overclok)

Any one else got the suggestions on overclocking will have quite a bot of money because i can sell my old bits as wel.

Ive got the money yes but only for the moment lol bet it will be gone soon as the miss want sumot new every 10 min and seen will see baby stuf
Explicit said:
Well, there are plenty of guides around. The one I like best is here, but there are plenty of others about. Read it three times and it should sink in.

How did you manage to break the mobo whilst trying to overclock? What broke? You mean it wouldn't post? Cleared the CMOS? What happened to the sound card?

Cheers for the site mate will have a read im off tomorrow so i will have time then.

Wel with the mobo tryed overclocking one day and i reset the comp to test the clock and it wouldnt boot. I looked at the led said it was a memory problem. After shifting all the sticks around i found only one yellow slot and one orange slot worked. So now i dont have duel channel ( at time of overclocking i was running duel channel).

The sound problem is i come to my computer one day. No sound from it i have a sound blaster audgily 4 pro i checked the sound card by pluging head phones in i get sound when i do. I pluged cable from sub in to sound card i get sound. If i Plug the speakers to the decoder then to sound card i/o box i get note and i dont have any power lights to the i/o box either.
A.N.Other said:
I really don't think you need to upgrade that PC! :rolleyes:

wel ill have t think bout it because i got people how want the stuff i got in it now so y not i think mmmmmmmmmm nice new fx62 and 7950 lol
t31os said:
The dual channel problem can happen with certain sticks with certain boards, some boards dont like some memory, i can't see it being likely the slots purely just broke and nothing else if there was a problem. Generally from what i know, if something breaks, it doesnt just partially break, or if it does its rare, if you blow something it blows properly and its quite apparent.

Try 1 stick in 1 slot you think is broken, but before you do that go into the bios and bring down the timings on the memory a notch.

Then add the other in, and try again..........

There's just too many things you could try, i can't say i'm convinced its broken. Can you remember what you changed last time you attempted to OC.

Ive tryed one stick the only was it works is if i put two sicks in dimms on the left of the bord. They only broke when i tryed overclocking for sum reason but never mind ill send the bord back some time.
Dave said:
I heard the quad SLI drivers won't be out until the end of summer, so you'll be sitting with an expensive paperweight for a while ;)

By which time Conroe should be kicking, and you may want to see the performance it offers before jumping on an upgrade bandwagon. :)

Have you got any info on conroe because i have heard loads about it but dont know any thing about it. Will it be intel or amd.
Admiral Huddy said:
because i have a x4400 and only a single 7800GTX.. i don't find my system at all sluggish.. :confused:

Are you sure you just don't need to perform a few housekeeping exercises.. i do mine at least once a week.. and defrag ever 6 months.

failing that, you have a problem somewhere.. That's a nice rig you have.. should punch lights on most systems :)

what monitor do you have
SiriusB said:
Oh relax dude, only trying to stop him wasting 2.5K on something he really doesn't need :)


some people wish bout havin money to spend lol and i want to blow 2.5k and i can see your point. Ill prob wait around for conroe then and blow more
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