Would a sound bar be the way forward? Recommendations?

7 Jul 2004
I currently have a 5.1 setup, specifically the Yamaha YHT-1810, but am refurnishing the front room. I've had the Yamaha for 5-6 years and it's been fine, but I no longer want cables or clutter that I don't need.

I am wall mounting my TV (and upgrading it to the Sony QD-OLED further down the line) so plan to not have any TV cabinet or shelving underneath it, instead will have cables behind the plasterboard around to where my PS5/Switch etc is making things simple and tidy. With this in mind I am thinking that a wall mounted sound bar under the TV would be the way forward? I would need to get one with a sub and that supports all the latest tech, is good quality but I don't feel I need to spend a massive amount. Sound quality is important, but it's worth noting that I can't tell the difference when listening to DTS over DD5.1 so with the general rule of diminishing returns I can't imagine needing to spend upwards of £500...

TLDR; Is there anything out there that would better my current 5.1 setup, but that would also be neat and tidy whist not costing the Earth? Do the current Atmos sound bars really throw the sound effectively, negating the need for multiple speakers?
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A soundbar won't have that proper surround sound effect you do now.

One option would be is to get passive soundbar, that has LCR. Keep your existing rears and sub and mount passive soundbar below TV.. it'll be neater than three seperate speakers. You won't have that wide soundstage as your speakers though
I have a Denon soundbar underneath my wall mounted kitchen TV. An S216. It's pretty decent. They do them with a bluetooth subwoofer too.
And once hdmi spec is out of date or you need more hdmi inputs or e-arc, or TV doesn't pass all sound formats?

Take soundbar to the tip..

I'd only buy a soundbar if I "wanted it to produce sound"
I managed to get a good deal on the Samsung Q950A :D
Will mount the bar under the TV and have ordered speaker stands for the rears. Plenty of plug sockets behind where my new sofa is going so the power cables will be discrete. Sorted!!
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