What makes you say that the virtual memory you are using is exceeding the virtual memory available?
Looking at that screenshot, you have 16 Gb of physical RAM, and are using just under 8 Gb of it. Your "virtual memory" used is about 20 Gb, with another 11 Gb free - 64% used.
The "virtual memory" figure there includes the physical memory space too, it's the sum of the physical RAM AND the page file.
In terms of how much Windows has actually used the page file to store data to save physical RAM, that's the "page file usage" figure - 1.7%. A quick calculation shows the page file must currently be 15360 Mb, so 1.7% means Windows has actually written about 261 Mb of data to the page file - the system has hardly touched it.
Unless you manually set virtual memory limits in Windows, you will never really run out (unless the disk on which to store it gets full I guess...) since the system will allocate more if it's in danger of using it all up.
I guess you could potentially get a slight stutter when Windows needs to access that, if it's stored on a mechanical hard drive, but looking at your system specs in your signature I'd strongly suspect it's on an SSD.
I'd look elsewhere for the stuttering issue I'm afraid!