Would like some general advice - laptops, chromebooks or similar for school work during lockdown.

13 May 2003
Hi Peeps

Another time to mine the knowledge of OCUK.

I have a 7 year old daughter and both she and her younger sister have Amazon Fire Tablets for games and cartoons and the like all with age restrictions and the like.

Now the lockdown has bitten again and the kids school is very switched on they are having 3 Teams Meetings a day and are using SeeSaw (a home work app) to provide work.

Now up until now we've been using our personal iPads to provide SeeSaw acces and logging in via my laptop if I need to print off stuff. *insert grumbling about HP ink prices here*. This morning is the first time they've used Teams and we used my gaming laptop but it's co located with my work laptop, so basically I got nothing done for an hour and they're planning on doing this 3 times a day minimum.

So I'm looking at what device might be best from an Apps point of view, price and ease of use in getting a Laptop or simlar for a 7 year old to do her school work.

Plainly it needs internet access but I obviously don't want her to have web access, the Fire Tablets are good in this regard, I must have Teams and SeeSaw app is in both iOS and Android stores. Needs a webcam, touch screen is probably highly desirable.

I'm just after advice as to what general system I should go for rather than a specific buy this *insert link to device here* any pros and cons would be much appreciated.

All credit to the school but still an uptick in buggeration for me :p
I just set my daughter up with a windows 10 PC and a desk so she can sit and do work properly, the w10 machine works with everything, so made the most sense for us, there is no avoiding web use, setting up some sort of parental firewall is probably the easier thing to do.

I have wondered about the suitability of a Pi400 for a cheap system for schooling but would likely require some initial setup and discovery pain but should work fine as nearly everything including teams can be done in browser.
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