would like to get into aircraft engineering. where to start?

8 Apr 2008
a galaxy far far away
hi all.

i am looking to incease my earnings potential and would like to become a aircraft propulsion engineer.

unfortuantely i am to old to join the RAF (35)

i currently work for a tool hire company and have a basic knowledge of mechanics and electrics.

qualifications wise i only have GSCE'S and a GNVQ which is all but worthless.

what qualifications should i be looking to get in order to get my foot in the door with aerospace firms?
Normally at least a degree in something like Mechanical Engineering. Failing that hands on experience in a technical role.

Why something so specific as aircraft propulsion (not a criticism, just curious!).

To be fair, its a toss up between marine or aircraft. i love working on engines at work and ive always been interested in aviation, i know i could have a very good career in aerospace.
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