Would these components work well together (turntable/speaker/amp)?

28 Apr 2009
I want to rip a whole mountain of records to digital and my PC only has the built-in soundcard so don't fancy buying a proper card to connect the TT to. That's where the choice of SONY comes in for it's ability to rip Hi-Res via USB with little hassle. I fancy using the SONY for playing as well and was looking for solid components while keeping it all under a grand. Anything wrong with these components working together?

Marantz PM6006
Monitor Audio Bronze 2
Sony PSHX500

Anything I've missed here? Thanks.
What's special about the UK edition of the amp?

Going 2nd hand isn't really desirable. I'm not a user of the bay and don't frequent any Hi-Fi forums so not really exposed to any great deals nor do I possess the knowledge required not to get ripped off. Just hoping to get a well known (among those who know) good pairing for a reasonable price.

I got the amp/speaker rec from the What Hi-Fi review on the turntable.
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I've been offered a new Pioneer A-10 for £90. Should I bite and is it a decent match for the turntable? What reasonable speakers would go with this for about £250~

Or as my brother suggested, just get a pair of Audioengine's and plug them directly into the TT?
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You got an online link to the store with them? I'm only seeing in-store deals for that price.

Sevenoaks and Superfi don't even have stores in Scotland!
Well, I wasn't getting much in the way of suggestions in this thread other than speakers that I could only get in-store in England and the UK edition of that amp seems to have a serious issue with noise on the optical for quite a few folk. Not much left for me to go on tbh. It's all well and good saying demo the gear or buy second hand, but there's no audio buy/sell subforum here that I can see or have any access to and I'm not located near any actual high end audio stores so...

Both those parts I got are What Hi-Fi 5-star rated and seem a reasonable pair for an entry-level setup. Unless there's some terrible secret they're hiding regarding them, I imagine they'll perform as expected for the price paid? I'm not a mega audiophile and the TT itself was just £250 so may as well keep things reasonable while I'm still in the early days of this hobby.

I mean, I still haven't submitted the order so if there's something better at £500 or under here then point them out! I'm open. The thread's just been a bit quiet.


Going any higher on a £250 TT seems stupid.
Fantastic. I'll settle for the Onkyo 9010 and decide on either the Monitor, Dali or Zensor to go with them. Probably go for the Zensor 3. That package is only £410 with free cable for the speakers on offer.

Well, keep the suggestions coming I guess. I'd really like to get both speaker and amp at £550 max tbh. It has to be available online. I'm open to getting the very best pairing for the budget and will wait until that suggestion has been put down! I can't really get down during the day as I'm working and I see the kids at the weekend so not really wanting to faff about in a Hi-Fi shop!
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