Would this be a criminal offence?

17 Jan 2016
Valley of Jade
You go into your local shop and see Bob at the counter.

You ask to buy this month's edition of "Sexy Overclockers" at £2.

You give Bob a £5 note.

As you both are chatting he gives you £3.50 in loose change.

You leave the shop.

Have you committed a criminal offence?

Would the shop be able to demand 50p back from you on another occasion?
Theft has an "intent" factor in it. SOmething along the lines of "taking something with the intent of depriving the owner, even temporarily" or words to that effect.

IANAL but, in this example, no theft is committed right upto the point you realise what has happened and then continue to keep the money if it is likely the shop owner made a genuine mistake.
The Theft Act 1968 defines theft as "Dishonest appropriation of property belonging to another, with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it."

As stated above, there has to be intent. Up until the point you discover you have 50p too much, you have committed no crime.

However, once you spot the shopkeeper's mistake and you don't return the 50p to him, you've committed theft.
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I once got a £20 note back instead of £10 and went to say something and was advised they don’t give incorrect change and all sales are final. I smiled, told them they’d given me too much change and walked out, followed by what I assume was the manager asking me to stop.
Have you committed a criminal offence?
don't thjese shops usually have a hand written sign on display about checking your change before you leave the shop...

works both ways... who cares what the law says.

it's on the shop keeper to check what he's doing, at my local the guys are always sitting on a phone, they don't even pause the call....
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