Would you believe this is real?

Its a crewl circle for those rabbits, they eat pot get the munchies and go eat some more :D
Cant find the old thread on this..

Apparently its quite cheap to get yourself your own underground bunker..
Zip said:
Its a cruel circle for those rabbits, they eat pot get the munchies and go eat some more :D

lmao :D

That bunker looks like it would have taken some serious effort to make, without being noticed.
b (thats it) said:
I always wanted an underground bunker....

Seems like a lot of effort to go through for growing it though.

It would be a lot of effort, but with the amount of stuff you could sell, you'd be making a shedload of money, and it's safely hidden... (well, it's been found now anyway :P)

No idea if that is fake or real, but I would believe it's real, or those exist.
gord said:
Apparently its quite cheap to get yourself your own underground bunker..

Looking at this setup I have to guess that it is not originally intended to house a secret garden. What would be the purpose of installing a huge, heavy, and expensive blast door just to protect a few hundred plants?
BillytheImpaler said:
Looking at this setup I have to guess that it is not originally intended to house a secret garden. What would be the purpose of installing a huge, heavy, and expensive blast door just to protect a few hundred plants?

Because it looks bleedin' cool.
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