Would you buy an iPad Mini 6 in 2024?

15 Jan 2023
Simple really. I have an iPad Pro that does all my iPad related tasks but at my desk I have an old iPad with a knackered battery that I have put a paper skin on and use with the Apple Pencil for note taking and basically productivity tasks for work. Ive found it far more useful than I expected it to be. Trouble is Im a hybrid worker and this iPad is stationary due to the battery issue as it remains plugged in.

The use case for it however has made me think that if I had a mini with a similar set up I could really make extra use of it it out and about and taking it to work when Im office based. HOWEVER it's the age old problem. Its a 2021 device and there are constant stories of iPad mini 7 being imminent, those stories have been doing the rounds for the last two years though!

Would you wait? Im normally against waiting because there is always something new round the corner and you would end up never getting anything also the 6 will easily do everything I want and need. That being said it feels wrong to spend £400 on a 2021 device that isn't essential when there really should be a replacement on the horizon?

What do you think?
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