Would you do this??

8 Jan 2005
Well im getting a bit bored with my computer basicly and the spec is as follows

x1800xt 512mb and a 7800gtx 256mb (spare)
opteron 146 CABYE FPAW @3.0ghz
epox 9npa+sli
2gb corsair ram
17" digimate tft
lian li PC V1000 PLUS
160gb sata
80gb sata-ii

With quite a few new things coming out this summer and me getting my student loan in october :D im not sure whether to sell it all now and like get a hd tv and a x360 and rebuild my comp when i get the loan?

what would you do?
yeh i know itd be a shame to let it go. but im thinking i could get a very decent price now as when conroe comes out my processor and mobo wont be worth jack lol.
hp7909 said:
Don’t, you'll regeret selling it. Also, you will quickly get bored of just watching TV and playing games :( There a million other things you can do with your PC. Only sell it when prepared to buy/build another one immediately.

i know thats what im scared of. one thing i do want tho is a new monitor like the dell 2407wfp. you reckon id get enough from selling that lot to buy a new monitor and a reasonable setup? i doubt it myself

im just boooored lol what can i do
worst saver in the whole world right here, not really an option seein as though im a part timer and only do 11 hours a week lol. students eh
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