Would you say this is quite a lot to ask for a code test (mid weight dev)

10 Jan 2006
I got this as a test for a company - theres not way I could do this in 4 hours it seems a lot to ask what do you think?

Frontend javascript technical test

Build a Trello clone

We’d like you to write a small Trello clone. At a minimum, the Trello clone should consist of:

  • ● Lists and Cards.

  • ● A list has a required name and a collection of cards.

  • ● A card has a required title, required description and an optional due date.

    A user of the application should:
  • ● Be able to create a new list.

  • ● Be able to create a new card in a list.

  • ● Be able to move cards between lists.

    The application should:
  • ● Star cards that have a due date in the next 3 days.

  • ● Highlight cards in red that are overdue.

  • ● Persist lists and cards (however you like, but local storage is fine)

    Please commit the project to a repo of your choice and provide instructions for getting the tests to run and the app to start.

    What we’re not looking for
  • ● Implementation in a specific framework - use whatever you like.

  • ● User authentication / management. Presume like the user is logged in / hard code

    any details.

  • ● Any unnecessary backends built - this is a frontend test.

  • ● Lots of time spent on this. Limit yourself to 4 hours.

    What we are looking for
  • ● A logical and maintainable approach to solving the problem

  • ● Sensible testing

  • ● Pleasant, functional visuals

  • ● Documentation where necessary
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