Well neither would I, but Linus recently got sent a stack of boxes from Abyss who claim to make the highest resolution headphones you can buy, and the whole setup is even cheaper than the Sennheiser Orpheus...
I watched this with fascination, because knowing what Linus is like I fully expected him to dish out the brass tax, but you can tell he wants to throughout but the headphones do sound amazing it would seem, just.... the cost even for just the cans alone.
Still, if I had that kind of money to splash, there probably wouldn't be anywhere else I'd go.
I watched this with fascination, because knowing what Linus is like I fully expected him to dish out the brass tax, but you can tell he wants to throughout but the headphones do sound amazing it would seem, just.... the cost even for just the cans alone.
Still, if I had that kind of money to splash, there probably wouldn't be anywhere else I'd go.