Would you work for a bad organisation?

22 Oct 2004
Im at the start of a new career and in my current job its very relaxed, no stress but its doing nothing for my career prospects and the money is not very good at all. Im making the most of my current job and spending time doing a course that will probably take me a year and a half to finish, but with my job being so relaxed i spend about 4-5 hours a day doing my course.

Now despite people i know and what the bbc news/glassdoor/indeed and other news sites say about this other organisation that i have just applied for im still not a 100% sure if i should just remove my cv or go for the interview. The reasons im considering is:
suck it for a year max and get the experience then i should be good elswhere.
40-50% pay increase.
what if the thousands of employee reviews, BBC,Guardian,glassdoor are wrong?

option(1) stay where i am, finish course then look for a job elsewhere, when i can be more picky.

option(2) hope you have thick skin and always wanted to work in game of thrones environment and get the experience and extra money.
What sort of 'bad' things are you seeing?

Eg is it entry level complaining about management or management complaining about Director/CEO?

40-50% is a biiiig increase whatever salary you are on.
Entry level complaining about long hours, performances that are impossible to get unless you go without toilet breaks. The evidence ive seen is from bbc and guardian articles that have gone under cover and seen workers exhausted and falling asleep on the job. Latest article is from early this year with being reported to HSE for high accident rates and causing 2 miscarriges (not much evidence on the miscarriages).
The thing is the organisation is all over the world and the location i would be based at might be fine or horrible, i cant seem to find anything newer than 2016 to read up on them.
The role im going for isnt one that is entry level but i wont be management either.
Perhaps all the reports in the press gave them a massive kick up the bottom / potentionally people were sacked...who knows. It is encouraging you can't find anything newer than 2016.

I am going to say go for it (if the salary increase really is that much). Is there a new title? Is this progression? All useful for the CV if so.
Ask detailed questions on your concerns at the interview. It shows you have done research and are still coming with an open mind. If not happy with the answers then walk away.
go for the new role OP... 40% increase in salary is huge, if the company is that bad and full of poor staff, you might even go up the chain and get in a more senior position (if that interests you)

Ask detailed questions on your concerns at the interview. It shows you have done research and are still coming with an open mind. If not happy with the answers then walk away.

that is also worth asking... but be aware that the interviewer might put you in the "high maintenance \ trouble maker" category and throw your CV in the bin after, so be careful how you word it and dont come across as confrontational
go for the new role OP... 40% increase in salary is huge, if the company is that bad and full of poor staff, you might even go up the chain and get in a more senior position (if that interests you)

that is also worth asking... but be aware that the interviewer might put you in the "high maintenance \ trouble maker" category and throw your CV in the bin after, so be careful how you word it and dont come across as confrontational

Good points about progression and yeah big pay increase is awesome. Plan is still to stay there for a year max as there's other companies I want to pursue once I've had the experience. I'm just thinking worse case am I mentally strong enough to put up with a toxic and abusive environment for a year.
I would raise it at the interview and see if you believe the responses.

According go Glassdoor my company is shocking - but it's not true from what I've seen in the locations I work
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It all depends at the level you're going in at. If you're going into a role that has had significant negative feedback then it would be a cause for concern, if you're in at a sub-management level which hasn't seen the same issues then thats a different matter.

For me, bad pay, poor working conditions at the bottom end of the ladder are less of a concern. Thats no longer me, and touch wood that will never be me again. I've done my time in crap jobs with crap pay, I've risen above that now. My job now is to get the most out of the people who work for me while looking to make the working lives of the people I'm responsible for as enjoyable as possible. No matter the job its always going to have its 'dark times'.

40%-50% pay bump is big, I'm assuming this is also a big household name which will good on the CV.
It all depends at the level you're going in at. If you're going into a role that has had significant negative feedback then it would be a cause for concern, if you're in at a sub-management level which hasn't seen the same issues then thats a different matter.

For me, bad pay, poor working conditions at the bottom end of the ladder are less of a concern. Thats no longer me, and touch wood that will never be me again. I've done my time in crap jobs with crap pay, I've risen above that now. My job now is to get the most out of the people who work for me while looking to make the working lives of the people I'm responsible for as enjoyable as possible. No matter the job its always going to have its 'dark times'.

40%-50% pay bump is big, I'm assuming this is also a big household name which will good on the CV.

Its a specialist role that is above entry level workers and just under management so thinking about it i wont have the entry level workers issues. Pay bump + experience to add to my cv im will definetly say yes to the job if i get an offer.
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