WOW 7900gt OC

21 Nov 2005
Bath, UK
hey guys,
ive just got my new xfx 7900gt 520m which is at 520/750 stock and i did an auto detect using cool bits and got 570/850 got 9503 in 3d mark 05 and at stock got just over 8k
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These cards overclock insanely... My friend's new one is doing similar on's a very nice card indeed.

Just hope the HardOCP article about oc'd cards randomly dying isn't the case here...
Aekeron said:
These cards overclock insanely... My friend's new one is doing similar on's a very nice card indeed.

Just hope the HardOCP article about oc'd cards randomly dying isn't the case here...
if it dies i will rma it, simple
I'm waiting on a 7900GT.... hopefully it'll clock as high as these, maybe higher as i've got a peltier all set up for it :D

hope they don't randmly die... i've been without PC for 4 weeks waiting for an RMA to come through :(
Mikebert4 said:
I'm waiting on a 7900GT.... hopefully it'll clock as high as these, maybe higher as i've got a peltier all set up for it :D

hope they don't randmly die... i've been without PC for 4 weeks waiting for an RMA to come through :(

Volt mod it if you have a peltier.
King_Boru said:
always keep a spare card in the draw = no downtime

Lol...true enough. I have plenty of spare cards but having spare 7800/7900-class cards around is somewhat hard on the wallet :p

And plugging in my old PCI graphics cards makes me cry inside :)
lol i always keep a spare card at hand, infact a couple just incase.

ive had a 7900gt go wonky on me, luckily the 6800 came to the rescue ;)
We have a house with 3 decent PCs..but I suspect my housemates would kill me if I tried to nick their 7800/7900 cards :p

Aside from that, it's the whole "I'm PCI-E, you're AGP, let's call the whole thing off" thing...
King_Boru said:
Volt mod it if you have a peltier.

I'm way ahead of ya :P bought a nice shiny new needle-point soldering Iron and some rather flashy VR's today.

I'm going to see just how bad the speed binning is on the chips, I'm aiming for GTX speeds. we'll have to wait and see. :D
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