WoW advice

18 Jan 2006
Small but pleasant dilema here-
Starting WoW tomorrow when I finally get off the :mad: :mad: uni connection, but I would like input on various stuff :D
First off, what character? I'm rather drawn towards an Undead Shaman, mainly because I like the magic aspects, and there should be sligtly less people on the horde side. Any thoughts on the easiness of this & / or an alternate route?
Second, what server? I'm pretty much set on a PvP server, but which one? Uptime, and also any fellow OCUKers will be taken into account ;)

An update for any interested- I now have an Orc Shaman on Laughing Skull, currently in the newbie vallley levelling up. In game name is Earthwind.

Thats a very interesting question :)
The HP is just a little lower than I'd like, but thats hopefully only really going to be a problem in the n00b stages, where ATM I only have the single ranged magic attack that is the way I'm aiming to take this.
I'm still currently in the n00b areas, levelling pretty rapidly, but as yet no PvP combat- Again this just needs me getting out of the starter areas & into somwhere a little more profitable.
I would personally like some sort of an indicator of where I've been on the map, even a simple annotation system would do, but thats a minor gripe.

Overall, highly enjoyable with the minor niggles you're gonna get with any game.

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