WOW at level 60

16 Sep 2005
Dear god its depressing.

Spent all day looking for a 5 man group to Blackrock Spire to get the documents needed for the quest chain. Guess what couldnt get a group made. Got close even got a healer but we couldnt find any tank for 2-3 hours. After that we broke up. I spammed the group channel and even wisped people in the capital to using the who list. Not to mention have other people check in their guilds. Thats my whole morning and afternoon gone just trying to get a group.

I think that sums up the game for me now. No need to play anymore till the expansion arrives. I can see why people say the game is awful at 60 and wait for the expansion.
Thing is my whole server is full of level 60 with epics. But without leveling th egame doesnt seemt hat fun. Its a shame all the raids for level 60 only. Would have been nice to spread them out more because at 60 i dont feel motivated.
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