WoW Frame rate issues.

26 Jan 2005
Hey guys,

For the past few months now, since patch 1.10 has been out, i have absolutely dire FPS, i.e raids etc 2-4 FPS and in normal outdoor and indoor areas i have an absolute maximum FPS of 18.

Now what has my knickers in a twist, is that my computer used to run this game at full settings (Full AA etc) with no hiccups whatsoever, its used to averge 40-60 FPS depending amount of people etc.

My specification is:

3.2Ghz P4 HT
2Gb DDR Ram
256Mb Sapphire X850 XT gfx card.
280gb HD.
audigy 2 sound card.

I just dont get it and blizzard tech support are no help whatsoever... taking a week to reply every time i reply back to the previous email. It's absolutely awful service.

Oh and they blame it on my USB connections (which i dont have plugged in whilst playing) .... oh dear... :rolleyes:

Oh and i forgot to mention i've tried the absolute lowest settings too, same scenario with my 1 FPS gain.

Weird eh? :confused:

Any help'd be great :)
Just re-formatted my pc other day, and yes i check for updates to my computer nearly every day, im obsessive like that. :eek:
I de-frag whenever i install new drivers and software too.

So basically, i dont think its any of those options either, im so stumped! :(
Doom 3 and FEAR run perfectly fine, thats all i've got lately so not much to compare to.

Perfectly fine = 45-60 FPS for FEAR and a bit more for Doom 3 :)
Thanks for all the suggestions guys,

But i've tried everything above, and formatting my computer on top of that too :(

Think they've ballsed it up big time!
thanks guys for the replies since i been at work!

Neo can you be more specific at all with what was changed in the config file? Mine doesnt have the line you suggested :confused:

My computer isnt dusty or hot either, although it has switched itself off during AV once, :(
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