WoW - Is it worth playing?

7 Jan 2013
Hey all.
I am a MMO lover..

I played WoW early last year it was kinda fun but got bored easily without playing with anyone.
I just actually want to know is this game dying? I heard rumours of the player base is decreasing.

If I was to play again should I start looking for a guild to join as soon as possible?
As a new player is there anything I should be aware of?

I know there is a big thread for WoW but I highly doubt anyone would see my post. :P
Ashley is still is

The player Base goes up & down but it stands the test of time

You should Absolutely join a guild but make sure they are Friendly & will help you achieve what you want in game

Good Luck:)
Has it's ups and downs, player base is decreasing but still a huge amount that play.

As a newish player there is plenty of stuff to do, as others said try find a friendly guild with the same aims as you.

The game is slowly dying but honestly it's gonna be around for a long time and you shouldn't worry about it.
Myself and a few others who use to raid hardcore and pvp who quit at the end of Cata came back to check out the expansion. We quit after about 2-3 months, got bored the PvP was quite stale and well pve is just the same as it has been since inception pretty much.
I played from day 1 till about 2 years ago. Awesome times, excellent game but got rather too samey and there wasn't quite the same people around to keep me interested as before.

It's at the start of it's long, slow decline but I'd certainly not pass it up too quickly. Plenty of folks who still plow lots of time into it. You've missed it's glory years but get a group of folks to suck you in and you may well find it worth a play.
10 years ago, I would have said yes, without a doubt.

~4 years ago (when I stopped playing) Probably not. They keep adding more content, but it's basically the same old but re-skinned and higher level (although this may have been more due to playing for 6 years and it getting stale for me)

Today? No idea - I can imagine (as Qitarah posted above) if I was to start again, I'd get bored after a few months, but for someone who's not played (much) before, it may have a bit more longevity.

IMO the best era of WoW was BC, which introduced both a new mechanic (flying) and (IMO) the best raid - Kara. Everything else since then has just been filler to keep the subs up!

A guild will certainly help, as to be honest, MMOs are only as good as the people you play with (otherwise you might as well just play a single player RPG with a decent storyline!)
I would say yes. It's pros and cons. The rose tinted glasses make me say it's never been the same as vanilla days but some of the new features and direction are actually very good. Especially if you want to play a little more casually.

It's still the go to MMO and will be around for some time. Not a single other MMO has come close to what WoW offered and still does offer.
No.. well not for me, anyway.
I just get no enjoyment whatsoever out of it each time I resub.
If you can play it with a good bunch of friends it is a great MMO experience. Even though I unsubbed a while ago, I still think it is a fantastic game.
I still think WoW is the go to MMO, I don't play myself anymore but for a new player the experience could be great. Especially if you make some friends in a similar position.
Most of my guild is gone now as far as I know so don't think it would be worth it for me coming back but if you're new then it could still prove for a fantastic experience.
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