WOW - Mage PvP

19 Oct 2002
I've been playing a lot of PvP with my Undead Mage over the past few weeks. Most classes aren't a problem to beat easily 1 on 1 or even 2 on 1 however the only classes that cause me problems are Druids and Warlocks.

Druids just bug me but Warlocks (with their pet) I hate fighting. Anyone want to give some tips on beating these as it's annoying me.

BTW I'm a Fire/Arcane spec.


Bahh, there's gotta be way.. if I have POM and Pyro available this helps a lot in the fight but the counter doesnt have the effect although I have improved counter.. that mmmm
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your only (slim) chance is if your an extremely high dps mage against a very low hp warlock, though they are a very rare breed these days because of how easy it is as a soul link lock.
Depends on what pet he has out tbh.If he has felhunter then leave him just won't win against all the resists,spell-locks and devour magic not to mention the locks healthstone and soulstone.

If you dont see him with a pet then he may have succubus out.Now you could try sheeping the lock and wait for the inevitable seduce..try to keep the lock sheeped and kill the succubus (very low hitpoints) but it's going to be an uphill struggle especially if (like me) the lock is demon specced.

But as was mentioned above we are your anti class so it's going to be hard.Don't forget diminishing returns either..he'll only get 3 fears/seduces before you are immune (they both share the same diminishing returns) ,2 if you have the trinket,1 if you are undead (wotf ***!).These diminishing returns timers reset after 15 secs though so be careful.

I know it sounds silly but try to keep running around the lock also..lots of our spells are facing target only.Goodluck.

The best way to beat a lock is to take a rogue with you tbh :D
well i get beat a lot in WoW by mages in Duels as they have there cooldowns done etc, some can do some scary damage so you really need to hit locks hard and fast to win, In AV, Wsg etc i beat mages easily as they done normally have all there cooldowns up.

Also Death Coil is a blesing to locks as it returns 500 hp to the caster and fears ( no diminish! ) for 3 seconds but can get resisted quite ofter, i find it funny when other locks use this on me as first hit as they waste the HP return.

I have a lvl 60 Lock and lvl 60 mage, much prefere my Lock but i think thats cos i like having 7300hp :D
<De@thW!sh> said:
....i find it funny when other locks use this on me as first hit as they waste the HP return...

I agree mostly but I use it first sometimes to stop runners before getting a proper fear off.30yd range overpowered? Naaahh ;)
just nuke as hard as you possibly can, shadow prot pot will help a lot and arcane power really helps also :D they will outlast you in hp and mana if the fight lasts long, plus those dots will be eating away at you aswell as the pet (providing they have one out). on my rogue i just dont bother at all with locks its simply a no win situation 90% of the time, whereas on my lock im only afraid of other locks :p
How have you put your tallents to own in PVP with the warlock? Im L60 with Destruction build.

Kills literally in a few shots but mana is expensive
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if you want to be king of duels, very small scale pvp, then any variation of a soul link build is good.

7/33/11, 7/31/13 - balanced build, high hp, corruption, life tap, shadowburn, bane
0/31/20 - similar to above, some crit improvement if you want it + destructive reach
20/31/0 - serious drain tank power, fel concentration, corruption, night fall, high hp, grim reach, life tap

i dont think theres much need describing what to take in demonology tree, the talents in there are either very good or seriously crap.

take your pick of builds, get the one that suits your playstyle most.. anything with soul link in will make it easy anyway ._.
Thanks for the replies guys, I haven't read too much yet about the talent changes for the Mage in the next patch but maybe there'll be a way of evening the odds against a warlock...

In the meantime a friend of mine has a Warlock on the same server so were going to have a few duels see how close I can get, but it does seem the warlock is the mage anti-class :(
Vicious said:
gotta love being a shaman, just earth shock them and using totem to absorb 1 spell, along with tremor totem to remove fear. Sorted :)

hate shamans... :mad:

lamest class ever, still not to hard to kill though as a caster. Love how many instant cast spells they get + totems everywhere, i was really hoping they would get the nerf they need it the next patch but instead they get lots of mana cost reductions to give them a bonus.
<De@thW!sh> said:
hate shamans... :mad:

lamest class ever, still not to hard to kill though as a caster. Love how many instant cast spells they get + totems everywhere, i was really hoping they would get the nerf they need it the next patch but instead they get lots of mana cost reductions to give them a bonus.

Agreed..Shaman and rogues are kill on site for me.The only consolation is they are probably the least wanted classes in endgame raids :D

It's all very well saying 'kill the totems then' but the act of targeting the totem,wanding it then re-targeting the shammy who is beating you with a great big axe and has mail armour takes too long.

My main since beta was always hunter so now I've gone to warlock it's nice to finally stand a chance against them :D
ExRayTed said:
Agreed..Shaman and rogues are kill on site for me.The only consolation is they are probably the least wanted classes in endgame raids :D

quite the opposite on my realm :D horrible lack of rogues/palies so they get taken when avalible, far too many hunters and warriors so they get it hardest :eek:
As a mage (mostly arcane with some Fire - PoM, IC, AP, Pyroblast) the only way I can kill a Warlock is to close in fast before he has time to react, immediately silence him, then cast a fireball whilst he wanders around going "eh?", once the fireball is cast PoM & AP then loose off a pyroblast, then fireblast and freezing him and his pet as required. Just go postal on him.

I find I can rarely kill anything else after going postal on a warlock, it really takes some effort and a lot of mana (spamming AE etc).

Personally my bane in WoW as a mage is the shaman/warrior. Shaman's get some wierd whirlwind thingy? seems overpowered and if they get up close can generally spank ya (if you have no ice spells ready). I can take them down but sometimes its hit and miss.
its called wind fury, on chance on hit it gives you 2 extra attacks so 3 in total which have increased attack power. its especially nasty if shamans use a 2h weapon and get wind fury, even more so if some of the attacks crit.
Vicious said:
its called wind fury, on chance on hit it gives you 2 extra attacks so 3 in total which have increased attack power. its especially nasty if shamans use a 2h weapon and get wind fury, even more so if some of the attacks crit.

See the vid of the shammie pulling off a 25k crit!! :eek:
Even with buffs debuffs etc etc ... thats one big bloody crit :p
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