WoW on Macbook Pro

9 Dec 2003
Bit of an old one to resurrect I guess.
Really keen on the views of ocuk folk and not internet hearsay.

Does anyone still play WoW on their Macbook Pro?
What is your performance like?
I never installed it on my iMac before I gave it away so have no frame of reference for WoW on a Mac.
Given the games popularity I'd have thought we'd have some Mac WoWers on ocuk who could share their experiences.
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Nice find. Let's see if some real users back those numbers up. :)

If it can do 60fps under proper raid conditions I'd be quite impressed.
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Is it stable during long sessions though? There has been a lot of complaining about black screen crashes and so on with MBP's when running the 9600 under load.
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