WoW Professions

22 Jan 2006
jus started my new NE hunter :D on talnivvar server in anyone fancys a blast.

never realy bothered with professions before, thinking i might aswell go for skinning and leatherworking. how can i make money from this as i always find myself skint in this game :confused:
Other professions need skins so sell ones you don't use at AH.Sell armour kits too.You can also save money by making your own armour rather than use the auction house.

In my experience (300 tribal leatherworking) I didn't really start making any real money until later when I was able to skin for heavy/rugged leather and make devilsaur sets.However skinning is one of the easier professions as you tend to find corpses lying around from other peoples kills.

For a guide on specialization (which you can do at level 40) look **Here**
Go Herb/Alch, or Herbalism and some random profession. Herbs can be turned into potions, or just sold for a lot of money :)
Don't get a tradeskill early on if you want to make money, get 2 gathering professions instead.

Early game (from lvl 1 through to 40+) the best money making professions by far are a combination of either mining and skinning, or herbalism and skinning in my experience.
as far as trade skills go, i made a priest and have had mining and tailoring. you get loads of tailoring stuff throughout the game which you can make a bit of money on, such as deadmines. plus, sometimes i could make items that would be good for my cahracter to use as well, saving money
Herbalism is a licence to print money imo...

Mining for me only really got profitable at the Thorium stage, especially as you have a chance of an Arcane Crystal which are always good sellers.
I always go mining and skinning purely for money. You can sell the leather and metal bars for a lot especially seeing as they are very easy to make.

I tried leatherworking and skinning once and found it was too much hassle trying to get all the reagents together.
Herbalism + Skinning is the best combo for gold making IMO.

Swiftthistle and Fadeleaf sell for ridiculous amounts on the auction house.
+ fishing 300. boring but good money maker at lvl 60. easily more than 100g an hour dipending on server of course.
yeah herby is a good money maker as herbs seemingly go for silly amounts on my server. seems to be better to sell the herbs than the pots !

skinning is ok. i can make some money.
Herbs is very good.

I ditched herbs and alchomy at about lvl18 for some strange reason and went skinning/mining. Getting mining up to Iron level is very tedious and dosn't earn much. Same with skinning, there's so much on the AH that it dosn't earn an amazing amount.

Herbs/alch is great as you can make up your own potions early on.
Farming dreamfoil is very lucrative but i'm making a bit from selling cured rugged hide for peeps tier 3 stuff now there are guilds in Naxx.
Im skinning/Tailoring at the mo (46 Warlock) and have made a fair bit of money making robes and stuff but i just sell the leather anyway or trade them in if for signets.
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