wow rant!

6 Feb 2006
So I got my copy of wow yesterday morning and after a few instillation problems (said a dll file was missing and aborted) finally got it installed and created my account. Got the 500 meg update and spend some time making my character. Clicked create and I get a message telling me character creation is unavailable this was around 2 o clock yesterday. So I have a look around some forums and see that they have disabled character creation and it should be up and running within a few hours. Ok I thought I’ll try later, so I did and I get the same message again. Tried numerous times and to no avail. 24 hours later and it’s still the same, no update from blizzard as to when it will be open again and I’m already regretting buying this. Apparently they don’t want existing players creating alternate characters while some servers are down for maintenance so they have completely disabled the feature leaving new players absolutely stuffed.

Not impressed so far.
This is the first time they've had to do that on this kind of scale so all you've got is some wicked bad luck there mate. It's all to do with moving the servers into the same farms for cross-realm battlegrounds, which the WoW community has been asking about for ages.
I'd never played an MMO before this and I've now been playing for about 18 months now, so if it gets you say goodbye to everything else.
saint_jw said:
This is the first time they've had to do that on this kind of scale so all you've got is some wicked bad luck there mate. It's all to do with moving the servers into the same farms for cross-realm battlegrounds, which the WoW community has been asking about for ages.

not extending the the paris center are they??? the only realms that were trouble free were the ones hosted in germany.
Not sure iif they're extending anything but they're def putting all the same language servers in the same datacentres so they can facilitate cross-realm BGs. So all the english servers will be together, all the french etc.
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