WoW - Rogue Class

5 Apr 2006
Hi. :P

I'm fairly new to WoW (35 priest) and I'm kinda getting bored of that class; thinking of starting a new char, and rogue seems pretty cool. :p

Can anyone give me an overview of how this class is at higher levels and what the play style is like etc.?

Also, some info on talent builds and how their playing styles differ would be good.

Thanks :)
I stopped playing WoW a long while ago, my main character was a Paladin (lvl 60) but I did have a Rogue for a little bit. Was fun, slightly difficult from lvl 5-10 but then it gets easier.

The Rogue has always been thought of as the master class of the front line but they can easily beaten if if you're clever. I fought 5 Rogues (I didn't like to PvP much) and won every time, only once were they not a higher level than me. You'll only lose to a Rogue if you: 1. Panic or 2. Not familiar with your class.

Rogues are good but I don't like them because they're annoying and usually controlled by arrogant little kids who like to "pwn U!!!" which seems to be their slogan.

Warrior, Paladin, Warlock, much more balanced and more respected. Paladin was thought to be a noob class but that was only because they could heal and fight, a Paladin is only good if you're good with it. So just ignore the whole 'Paladin = Rubbish Nooby class' thing because it takes a lot of skill to know what skills to use and when to use them.

In short, don't bother with Rogues... over-rated and overused.
rogues are funfun! my fav class, and whoever said about the other 10,000 of them... same with any class.... :|
Indie said:
rogues are funfun! my fav class, and whoever said about the other 10,000 of them... same with any class.... :|

10,000 druids?


I'm glad my first class was a druid, let me get a sneak peak into the warrior, rogue and priest classes :D
My main is a rogue, I'm lucky enough to be in a raiding guild at the moment. It was hard even getting an instance group at times, so I am pretty happy that I get to see BWL/AQ40 and such without having to change my 'main'. If you're in a guild who can do that then great, but if not you will struggle getting into a group (server depending ofc) on occasion, and you'll get used to seeing LFRM UBRS no more Rogues, etc.

I also have a 60 Priest, I'd definitely recommend staying with Priest until at least 40. Go full Shadow spec and you'll get Shadowform when you ding 40, makes the class a lot more fun and easier to level with. You can still heal as Shadow spec but you also have the added survivability over Holy/Disc.
your close to level 40. Stay with the Priest and respec to full shadow at 40. Your solo skills will improve to the point where you're one of the fastest killer in the game and can easily take on 3 mobs the same level, plus you can always drop out of shadow and heal for instances.

No need to respec from shadow till you reach 60
Priests are hugely boring though in 40 man raids...all you really do is stare at 40 health bars for 3-4 hours. So much so, that I rarely watch whats actually going on in the game...

Hence the reason I've switched back to my Rogue as my raiding character.
krooton said:
10,000 druids?


I'm glad my first class was a druid, let me get a sneak peak into the warrior, rogue and priest classes :D

I never understood why, I love being a druid, was my first class as well and I still find it to be my favourite
Phalanx said:
I never understood why, I love being a druid, was my first class as well and I still find it to be my favourite

The versatility is amazing, I solo'd so much of the game, including Mother Smolderweb :D

I loved having almost 3 health bars, go bear, bash bash bash, frenzied regen, bash bash bash, stun, casterform, NS+HT, rejuvination, bear, bash bash bash
Matmulder said:
Priests are hugely boring though in 40 man raids...all you really do is stare at 40 health bars for 3-4 hours. So much so, that I rarely watch whats actually going on in the game...

Hence the reason I've switched back to my Rogue as my raiding character.

I dont really get where people get this from. Healing takes more skill than say a rogue, we have to watch 40 different bars, check what rank of heal to use, cancel the heal if its to late etc. But as a rogue all you do is spam SS/Backstab etc, more boring if you ask me.
DunK1 said:
I dont really get where people get this from. Healing takes more skill than say a rogue, we have to watch 40 different bars, check what rank of heal to use, cancel the heal if its to late etc. But as a rogue all you do is spam SS/Backstab etc, more boring if you ask me.

This man tells the truth.

Although I still prefer rogue as I loaf and raid.
I'm not saying it doesn't take skill - rogue is far more simplistic - but it doesn't stop it from being boring. I find myself losing concentration, which in turn compromises the raid.

Plus, it feels like a huge responsibility. One slip, tank dies, loses aggro, boss wipes out a few clothies and things suddenly start going pear shaped.

I play for the enjoyment, not as a second job. Judging by the fact that the LFG channel pretty much always stays as "xxx raid, need healer" makes me think that everyone else feels the same way.
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