WOW - Today is money making day.



18 Jan 2003
Well today I am ganna start saving my money for when I reach Lvl 40 and can get a mount.

What would you say is the best way to get money?

Just going around killing stuff and getting pickups?

or doing quests?

any oher methods you find that work?

Thanks Luke
what professions have u got

generally doing dungeons / instances is one of the best ways.

if you ever get any blue items that are bind on equip, sell them on the auction house. resist spending money is a good one, i kept spending mine whens saving for my mount although had ghost wolf so wasnt as bad
For level 40 mount grind a lot in STV especially the crocs in the cave near the arena, they drop bits n bobs that sell for 40 silver a stack and if you have skinning you make a nice amount from the leather you get too.

For the level 60 mount, i think proffessions in combination with grinding runecloth/humanoids in Hearthgeln/Tyrs Hand is the best way to get gold
mining for arcanite / skinning rugged leather / herbalism for (dreamfoil/plaguebloom/mountain silversage/gromsblood/ice cap)
Also if you are leatherworker make cured rugged hide, Alchemists sell transmutes , tailor sell mooncloth, especially with the next patch these items will be worth a lot more.
a good way to make money early on is to do herb picking / mining and sell it on the AH, friend of mine did this and was able to afford his mount easily.
Get skinning and skin EVERYTHING then make it to light leather and sell it at the auction house for a stupid price!!
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