WOW trial.....oops

22 Aug 2003
oh dear, I had a go on WOW using the online trial & now I appear to be addicted to the damn thing :rolleyes:
Why on earth is it so addictive? I wasn't even that impressed with it tbh -until now when I think the trial is about to end. Jesus what will become of me...

ps. I saw the linkage post above but are there any real n00b sites out there which cover the real basics? Also, probably been asked before but what type of character would suit someone like myself who will probably have to solo much of the time due to fitting it around a hectic family lifestyle?
Welcome to the end of your life :D

Yes its very addictive as your finding out. The official site has probably the best beginners guide. Theres also a beginners forum as well to ask questions as well as here.

Probably the best solo class for leveling would be a Hunter, followed by a Warlock. However I also found my shadow specced Priest rather easy to level to 60 as well, Priests are one of the most sought after class, but be prepared to turn into a healbot when you hit 60.
Having played a Druid and a Priest, you kind of become a second class citizen when teaming up with randoms, expect to see lots of unkind words floating your way. Find a good guild and only quest with them and you'll be respected.

Warlock is certainly one of the easiest to level and Hunter. Druid and Priest are slow to start out, but reach 30+ and it gets better. Paladin for me was the slowest and most useless for endgame instances.

Uninstall and run away from WoW whilst you still can. There maybe no turning back :p
i haven't actually found it that addicting, sure its fun and im enjoying it but I haven't played it for 30 hours straight like I did on Diablo II
I didn't even notice when the trial ran out.
For me, its not addictive as such just a whole lot better than anything like it. Simple things like being able to pick up a party in the middle of nowhere & head off on quests. World PvP is also exceedingly fun until you run into an opposing party 20 lvls above you :eek:

Horde is a good choice- There are generally less players, and this makes things like the battlegrounds much easier to get at.

FishPolice said:
ps. I saw the linkage post above but are there any real n00b sites out there which cover the real basics? Also, probably been asked before but what type of character would suit someone like myself who will probably have to solo much of the time due to fitting it around a hectic family lifestyle? has some good pointers for basic gameplay. Hunters are good for solo, Druids are pretty versatile too.
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