WOW trial question

1 Jul 2003
Quite fancy having a look at this, but had a quick query.

Re the spyware. Not really worried about it, I understand the reasons they give. BUT. Is it easily identifiable and removable after the trial's over, assuming I don't stick with it?

its something blizzard use to make sure your not hacking / cheating at the game, and it was sorta considered spyware. it only runs when wow is running
It may run while WOW is running, and I don't have much problem with that. I just wondered whether it uninstalls with the main game if you uninstall it, or if it lurks?
I take it you're refering to The Warden, yeah it essentially scans the titles of any windows you have open (whether programs, files or whatever) and if it matches any known hacks etc kicks you from the server as far as I'm aware.

It could conceivabley be used to harvest any information that might appear there, but as far as I'm aware Blizzard does absolutely nothing with it, nor attempts to.

AS_Dodger said:
Quite fancy having a look at this, but had a quick query.

Re the spyware. Not really worried about it, I understand the reasons they give. BUT. Is it easily identifiable and removable after the trial's over, assuming I don't stick with it?


It just scans what you're running in the background to check if you're running any cheats. I'm sure it'd be uninstalled when you uninstall the game.
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