WoW - Turalyon Server

29 Sep 2004
Wilt of the Shire
Yes, another WoW thread but I need help!! Does anyone from here play on this server? I've been back a couple of weeks (over a year away) and all the bods I used to hang around with are gone. I can't get into a guild cos they all seem to want you to raid which I'm not too bothered about at the moment and can't commit to hours each night playing. The server's also gone downhill and no-one wants to help anyone anymore. If someone asks me for help I'll do it(time permitting) or at least I'll tell them I can't. I just seem to be doing all my quests solo at the moment and it's a bit boring.

I know I can move to another server and will have to pay but is there one that's predominantly UK populated? I feel it's either move or I'll just end up giving up WoW again.
Give up. If you play casually and dont raid its a waste of time (imo). I gave up before the expansion. From what ive heard its still the same grind, same dire community.....

The Taurylon server was ok but it was pve, after pvp i found it numbingly boring and there was hardly any guilds on the Horde side and horde was outnumbered 10:1 or something.
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