WoW UI and Setting up your icons!?

24 Jul 2004
I have seen a few WoW interfaces on some video's I watched on google and some look really easy to use! I have a 60 Warrior and I am just getting into making a Hunter (lvl44) but I can never seem to organise my icons properly so I am happy with them!

Could you guys recommend any UI mods that you are using and post some screenshots of your icon setups? Hunters and Warriors would be mostly recommended but I will be happy to see others.

Cheers guys.
You need to play around with your own imo, no one can tell you what suits you best.
Most addons are easy to use and highly customiseable.Go to curse gaming and start downloading the most popular ones, and have a fiddle.
If your too lazy to compile your own, get INSOMNIAX is my far the best compilation imo.
Mine a while back, gear and addons have changed quite a bit, but lauout is similar
Thing is, I have most core abilities on hot keys, which I cannot live without.


Also get Model Viewer ... fun for Forum Avatars :)


^^ How my char looks now :)
which mod have you used to to move your action bars around? I really wanna do away with the Druid Shapeshift buttons. I bind them to F2-5 so is there anyway to disable the ones which are above the main bar?
i installed nurfed UI but cant work out how to move thigsn round the screen as things are stuck in awful places

edit: worked it out now
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i used that nurfed thing to move the main bar (the one with character, map inventory, quest log etc) but i couldnt find what it was called in the nurfed menu, any help?
Phalanx said:
which mod have you used to to move your action bars around? I really wanna do away with the Druid Shapeshift buttons. I bind them to F2-5 so is there anyway to disable the ones which are above the main bar?
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