WOW- Warlock iteams

7 Feb 2004
Hi I am a L58 Warlock and am looking for some nice iteams.

Any suggestions on what quests or bosses I need to go after for some nice Cloth...wands...1h weapons?

Any advice appreciated.
well the dreadmist set drops from various bosses and mobs in strat/scholo and upper and lower blackrock spire - once you have the bracers you can start the new chain to upgrade the items to their deathmist counterparts .

Various other items will probably drop as you do the runs to get dreadmist - bonecreeper stylus drops in scholo off the last boss(i seem to recall) .

There's a quest in silithus for corrupted blackwood staff (+26 damage) called into the maw of madness - its part of a small chain which you start by talking to the commander at the back of the building opposite the moonpool where you land on the bat or you could do dire maul tribute runs for staff of the ogre magi

You haven't mentioned if you pvp at all as there are some nice armour and weapon rewards if you are prepeared to put the hours in - ironbark staff - some nice off hand items - tome of shadow force etc.

Also you don't mention if you are in a guild and if that guild is running zul'gurrub or AQ20 as theres another quest in silithis to kill a boss in each of those to give you quite a nice dagger -shivsprocket shiv i think its called

You could also buy the pattern for robe of the void off the auction house (or hope for it to drop but i'm not sure where) if you are a tailor and make that for yourself the materials should only take a couple of days to gather

This is also a good resource for finding things

Thanks that is brilliant.

I am PVP and am in a guild but they dont have many high lvl guys yet so i think it will be a while before i get to do that.

I am a tailor and am looking out for that pattern. Dont have much money at the moment as I have justed levels all my powers but its quite quick earning at this lvl.
the link provided in the last post is all you will need really. the only advice i can give from my experience is to avoid the dreadmist stuff if you want to do high damage, theres hardly any '+xxx damage from spells and effects' on the dreadmist parts, and that is one of the most important things for a warlock imo
Yeah i saw some nice fel cloth stuff that has a few +dam on and i got the patterns just need to grind some fel cloth.

I only know of one place that drops that and they are the demons in azerath or whatever its called lol

Know of anywhere else?
True dreadmist + damage bonus is not all that great but it is sadly what most people aim for .

If you want some idea of what i wander round in take a look -

the bloodguard first 2 set armour pieces (boots and gloves) are pretty good - over +50 spell damage +27 stamina and +15 int combined

As you can see my stuff all has +spell/shadow (+214 spell and +286 shadow damage ) damage except the headpiece which i'm keeping until i can get something with about the same + int or better

Anyway should give you some idea .

And i used to farm the felcloth in ashzara - 2 legashi camps there- used to get quite a lot (approx 20 ) in a couple of hours providing i had the place to myself but last time i went the drop rate seemed lower .
Yeah i used to go there but the drop rate is even worse it seems. Spent an hour there the other day and nothing. Stayed there for another hour the next day and got 1 piece.

Are there any higher lvl ones that drop, so i can at leaset get experience?
Neolink said:
the link provided in the last post is all you will need really. the only advice i can give from my experience is to avoid the dreadmist stuff if you want to do high damage, theres hardly any '+xxx damage from spells and effects' on the dreadmist parts, and that is one of the most important things for a warlock imo

That's what the upgrade for Dreadmist does, it's called Deathmist or something like that. It's got pretty decent stats and a load of damage thrown on aswell. Although it's a bit time consuming, it defiently makes up for the original Dreadmist set.
Aim to collect the Dreadmist set, and upgrade to Deathmist.

Its the quickest way to get some decent gear if you're not able to get into the 20/40 man raid instances.
Neolink said:
random blues owns dreadmist, all of the lower 'sets' actually, upgraded or not they are still clown suits :o

Erm nah not exactly mate, the Deathmist is both high in stamina and intelect and has a good amount of damage on. Although i do admit some blue's about are better but no random blue is better than the epic Deathmist parts. Not a clown suit at all.
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