WOW - Warrior build (RAIDS..INSTANCES)

7 Feb 2004
I am up to L58 in WOW with my Warrior and would like to change his talents for the better of the guild and go for Protection build for tanking.

Are there any experienced Tankers out there that can recommend me a build and why?

Thanks in advance
MS/Defiance works fine for MC and BWL up to chromy, means you can tank in raids and still be able to have a chance of killing mobs and players alone.
from what a remember, 31/5/15 is a very popular tanking build as it gives you the option of mortal strike for pvp as well as good enough tanking abilities for end game raid instances. defiance (the talent which increases threat in def stance) is the talent thats most important.

i didnt do any end game raid instances but i did tank in ubrs/scholo/strat etc and i did perfectly well in fury build without a single point in protection.

you may want to think about going more points in prot if you want to main tank in end game raid instances though, but im not really good on prot talents
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