WOW - Warrior build

What's the best build for what? PvE, PvP, a bit of both, raiding in the high-end instances, tanking etc? Can you be more specific with your question? :)
Depends on a lot of things really. I got through MC and BWL with 31 arms/20 fury build for arcanite reaper, but I was only tanking trash. If you're planning on tanking bosses then prot tree will be a big bonus though. Our MT had a 31 arms (so he could get mortal strike) and 20 in protection tree (so he could get defiance, he basically could produce the same threat levels but didn't have as many skills to help him survive for longer).
In my opinion, unles your doing the big end game instances like Black Wing Lair then there's no point putting any more than 15 points in protection.

If you prefer using a 2 Handed Weapon then your best going for the cookie cutter 31/20 Arm/Fury build which will give you Mortal Strike, great for PvP against healing classes.

Something like this build will work well...

I personally prefer Dual Wield using a 18/33 Arms/Fury build. This however requires my better gear than the build above. It's not until you have Epic Weapons and gear that this build will start to really shine. Instead of concentrating on +crit you'll need to focus on +hit as DW has a much higher miss chance. Also as Bloodthirst hits for 45% of your Attack Power, items with +AP also improve this build.

My current build looks like this...

But to cater for this build, my gear now looks like this...
I'm currently quite happy with my setup, but there are still a few items I need to be fully happy (My offhand sucks for example).
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