Wow, Web 2.1 is hot!

Beansprout said:
Can't you do the image in CSS? Colour individual divs each a pixel big? It's not web 2.1 if you can't tbh
It's not such a crazy idea y'know :D.

Remember to technoradiggalicious-trackback-ping this post in your blogroll-syndicated social-network-management software :).
Augmented said:
It's not such a crazy idea y'know :D.

Remember to technoradiggalicious-trackback-ping this post in your blogroll-syndicated social-network-management software :).

I use Wordpress but I haven't got a clue what all this trackback, pingback stuff is. I've just about got Technorati working, even though 80% of the time it's too busy to do anything but look semi-pretty and 5-year-old friendly!
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