WOW - What are the best Professions?

When i used to play. I had a Mage (boring class IMO)

And i had tailoring and enchanting - Best money makers IMO.

When your high enchanting you can do high enchants of course, there getting you the most money.

Tailoring is good also, mages are always after cloth armour.

- Denic
I did leatherworking as a hunter but found it was more a pain than anything. It depends on your class or if your trying to make money. I always found when top skill on leatherworking once u had the materials they never sold at the AH.

When i did a mage character i found tailoring very good and very easy.
My main is a mage, but I am v bored with him at the moment...

My alt that I am having lots of fun with at the moment is on a PVP server instead is a tauren drood. He's going to become the ultimate farmer (herb mining) so I will drag him through lvl 60, get him to farm BRD for dark iron ore, zul gurub for bloodvine etc etc.

I am making lots of money with these two and it is costing me nothing to train. I would suggest taking up two "farming" professions until you have at least your first 200-300 gold, then maybe drop one and use the matts of the other to train it up easily, such as dropping mining and take up alchy and use the herbs to train... or drop herbs and take mining to be an engineer...

Lots of possibilities, but you are going to need lots of money later on, and its good to spend some time getting herbs than farming mobs...
Alch/Herb can make a lot selling healing/mana pots and later for Arcanite Transmutes.

On my current server enchants don't go for much more that the mats cost from the AH, so enchanters tend to make more cash from selling shards than actually enchanting.

Skin/LW makes a bit at lower/mid lvl's as you can make fairly decent armour and armour patches for Rogues, Druids and Hunters. The higher lvl LW stuff like stromshroud and devilsaur don't sell that well considering the effort to get the mats.

Engineering/Mining can make a bit at higher lvl's due to the need for repair bots and saltshakers, among other things.

Tailoring is usefull for making mid-lvl cloth stuff and mooncloth later.

Blacksmithing/Mining can make you a lot of money but the Mithril Order quests to get to the higher lvl's are a pain and will cost you a fair amount of time/money to complete.

Since the last patch and the inclusion of the Tier 0.5 sets all high lvl professions will be needed to get your armour upgrades so many opportunities to make money are abound.
Chewy, that is one hell of a profile, I am guessing you have caned BWL for a long while...

My question is, does all that healing help you anywhere else tho? In PVP for example, do you just heal the crap outta everyone, or do you get ganked?

Just a question ^^
The question shouldn't be "what are the best professions?", but "what is best suited to my choice of class?".
There are always people who go on about just grinding for money, but it's pretty pointless, as you miss out on the whole point of having a profession for yourself - crafting instead of buying (eg healing potions, weapons, enchants etc).

Engineering is fun, but is most useful for paladins and hunters - Bombs give pulling ability as paladins have no ranged attacks, and of course hunters can make their own guns and ammo. Jumper cables are very useful for a rogue or hunter, since they have an ability to get ooc, although I would never actually rely on them.

Alchemy is probably best for casters, with potions such as +int, +spell attack power, +shadow attack, and of course healing/mana potions. It can be used for any class, but imo it's nothing like as useful. Increased armor potions are also good for a soloing caster as they have such a small amount.
There are +agility potions, and swiftthistle/fadeleaf are used a lot by rogues, so it can be good for a rogue too.

Leatherworking gets very difficult to level as it requires a lot of reagents. There are also very few things at a low level that don't have equivalent/better instance counterparts which aren't too difficult to find. Past level 40(mail), it's pretty useless for a hunter, although there are some nice rogue pieces (stormshroud).

Tailoring (imo mixed with skinning or enchanting is best) should only be taken by casters, as there are some great pieces which are bop. It has value right through to level 60 - giving the first few green pieces, robes of arcana (needed for warlocks), robe of power, then the mooncloth robe/shoulders/head/gloves.

Enchanting with tailoring will give you plenty of green items to disenchant, so it's slightly easier to level. With skinning, you can sell leather to fund buying greens to d/e, although if you're constantly disenchanting the same items, you get a better idea of what you will get (eg brown linen robe gives mostly strange dust).

I've never done blacksmithing, so can't comment on it. I do know that it gets harder at high end when you specialise, as there isn't much that can be made by each "type".
For pure money making it has to be skinning/mining when you are levelling up. You can just sell everything you get on the AH for tidy sums, at the higher levels you might want to drop skinning, perhaps for engineering which goes well with mining, and is useful for pvp/general use. Mining stays good at all levels for money making. Mining and selling on arcane crystals/arcanite bars can get you huge amounts of money, along with everything else you mine.
jidh007 said:
Alchemy will be the most useful

Most useful for what? For example, it's pretty useless for a hunter, as they generally don't get hit, so no need for +health or +def potions. They don't use mana potions as much as, say, a priest, so can do pretty well with the ones they pick up. The only useful potion I would say for them would be agility and the first one of those that isn't a random world drop comes at level 185.
Bracco said:
Leatherworking gets very difficult to level as it requires a lot of reagents. There are also very few things at a low level that don't have equivalent/better instance counterparts which aren't too difficult to find. Past level 40(mail), it's pretty useless for a hunter, although there are some nice rogue pieces (stormshroud).

Leatherworking has 3 specializations, Tribal, Elemental and Dragonscale. Tribal is good for various +resistance gear, Devilsaur stuff and a couple of Druid only items. Elemantal is good for the Stormshroud stuff and Volcanic which has +fire res, best for Rogues. Dragonscale is very nice for Hunters as it allows you to make Black Dragonscale Mail armour that most Hunters use before getting the Beastalker set. So Hunters can use LW past 40 but farming black dragonscales is a slow business.
Shoseki said:
Chewy, that is one hell of a profile, I am guessing you have caned BWL for a long while...

My question is, does all that healing help you anywhere else tho? In PVP for example, do you just heal the crap outta everyone, or do you get ganked?

I've made my feral gear public so you can see what I have in that department - I only started collecting after I got my full tier2 hence the greens and lack of enchants.

In pvp, I usually go full healing gear in wsg and heal the flag carrier (5.6k crit heals..) whereas in ab/av I tend to put some damage gear on so I can heal and damage as the situation demands.

As for getting ganked - I'm a druid, so quite slippery :)

Killed Nef either late Jan or early Feb.
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It works out better to have two gathering professions for the money. and Buy you gear on the AH either made by someone else or a green/blue drop. You have a much wider selection of armor available to you that way.

Example on Qual Thales server

Mining gets me per stack of 10

Copper ore 28s
Tin ore 29s
Iron ore 90s
Gold ore 1G
Silver ore 5G

Skinning gets me per stack of 10

Light leather 10s
Medium Leather 20s
Heavy Leather 70s
Thick leather 1G

This works out much more efficient selling the materials than levelling a crafting profession up to make the items.
Enchanting is awesome. You get all the best recipies if you're in a high-end guild. I'd reccomend it no matter what your class.
saint_jw said:
Leatherworking has 3 specializations, Tribal, Elemental and Dragonscale. Tribal is good for various +resistance gear, Devilsaur stuff and a couple of Druid only items. Elemantal is good for the Stormshroud stuff and Volcanic which has +fire res, best for Rogues. Dragonscale is very nice for Hunters as it allows you to make Black Dragonscale Mail armour that most Hunters use before getting the Beastalker set. So Hunters can use LW past 40 but farming black dragonscales is a slow business.

For the 4 black dragonscale pieces, the level requirements are 53, 55, 56, 57. Hardly worth it, especially since they are just fire res, no +AP or +agi. It's only worth having as an early MC set.
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