WoW what class to pick?

2 Oct 2004
Okay, there are three of us - just starting WoW and will be working together. Appereantly, we are going to be nighteleves. Not knowing much about this game I have come to you lot for advice. What would be the best classes to pick between the three of us?
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If you plan to play together as a group on a regular basis, I would have said a warrior, a priest/druid, and a rogue/mage or maybe a warlock.

This would allow one of you to take damage from an enemy (warrior) whilst the mage/rogue deals damage and you've got a healer to keep everyone healthy.

As your going with Night Elf I would say your best bet would be Warrior.

If you don't want to be a tank (the bait taking all the damage) then a Rogue is good as you do nothing but Damage.

Druid is good at everything, but master of none, so you can heal, tank and damage, but your not as good as a warrior, rogue or preist at any.

That just leaves Preist (I think), which is great at healing and if you go shadow spec, is awesome at damage. Shadow Preists aren't welcome in end game Raids though as they are required to heal.

I've only played a Paladin through to 60 so can't really comment on all of them, but I will say that as a Support Class (Druid, Paladin, Shaman) it's a great class during the Solo parts of the game, but it's alittle empty in the Player v Player elements. I still love my Paladin but I wish i'd picked a Warrior (I'm lvling one now).
Don't be a Night Elf for a start, their starting position is the most boring place in Warcraft :)

Rogues for the win - I wish I made a rogue :(

Well for the three of you just go
Any of the healing classes such as Paladins, Shamans, Priests, Druids etc.
A warrior as tank
Last but not least, a rogue for huge dps :)
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Night elves, Warrior + Hunter + Druid, gives you 2 tanks some serious dps and an efficient healer/tank if you need it. Would take an awful lot to kill the 3 of you
lol not alli they suck no offence :P

roll a shaman > than anything out there. (well pvp)

all a sham fears is warlocks and then its 50:50

shame there crap at pve
kola said:
go pally most interesting class around ;-)

Interesting? Paladins are a glorified Cleric in Plate, if healing, buffing and cleansing is interesting then your right, Paladin is great.

If you class being able to do damage at a touch of a button interesting (like the other classes) then no, Paladin is weak.
If you're set on rolling Nightelf, I'd go for Warrior/Druid/Priest.

Since Druid is a hybrid class capable of filling several roles (Tank/dps/Heal) it gives all of you a chance to play your character a bit more freely -

Your Warrior doesn't always have to tank since the druid can, so can do some dmg.
Priest doesn't always have to stand at the back and heal since the druid can help, so is free to act as more of a damage dealing spellcaster.
Plus if only 2 of you are playing at some point, you've still always got a decent combination classes.
I initially played a Tauren Druid, which I found to get boring after a while. I then went on to a human mage, which I also found boring. I'm now playing a Gnome Warlock, and find it loads of fun. :D Not sure if it's just chance that I had fun things happen on the warlock, but I like it. :)
Slackjaw190 said:
all a sham fears is warlocks and then its 50:50

shamans fear warlocks ?? since when ? please explain as when i (lvl60 warlock) duel a shaman he drops his tremor totem and i dont stand a chance from then on
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