i would imagine at some point priests will get a Holy "healer" form or make it so they actually use greater heal.
Yeah, 1.10 is the Priest Love patch, Just 1.9 was the Paladin love patch.

Expect re-worked talents galore!.
yea for doing damage, but unless your in a good big guild, you try getting into the high lvl end game instances. All we do is damage, nothing else. Where is the role of our character ? Were supposed to be assasins, all we do is stealth, ambush backstab kidney shot backstab. then onto the next target :p
Wayn0r said:
yea for doing damage, but unless your in a good big guild, you try getting into the high lvl end game instances. All we do is damage, nothing else. Where is the role of our character ? Were supposed to be assasins, all we do is stealth, ambush backstab kidney shot backstab. then onto the next target :p

welcome to end game! from a 60 paladin
at least you have more than one roll. You can tank AND heal. Priests can control minds and heal. Warriors can tank and DPS. etc etc, rogues can dps. thats it.
Sure Paladins can tank, but belive me, you will never be asked to do so. I've been a lvl60 Paladin for the last 2 months and my only role has been to stand at the back and spam Flash of Light and Cleanse.

I'm not sure how the Preist buff will go. I've never played as one so I don't know their weaknesses. All I will say is that I hope they wont buff the Shadow tree as it's pretty powerful as it is!

The new armor sets look great though. As a casual gamer, trying to keep up with all the other lvl60's in terms of Epic gear has proved tough. Giving you the chance to get Epic gear through Solo or 5 Man runs is a great addition.
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heheheheehe... yes i agree, delete rogues... they have no use and are just annoying... "im busy fighting this dude quit stabbing me in the back u *******" :D
some leaked notes from 1.10, probably not final but gives us an idea of what to expect

wow healer's site

i personally like that change to greater heal, actualy useful now, hope they dont nerf shadow spec too much though
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