Father of Joseph this thread is crap! Some peoples intelligence really really amazes me, or perhaps its an age thing?
You've always been able to write a cheque out to cash and you always will be able to.
Although The Mad Rapper is slightly incorrect.
You can walk into any branch of your own bank and write a cheque out to 'Cash' for any amount you like as long as the funds are in your account. For this you do not need a Cheque Guarantee Card. In the PO however, they will only cash upto the value of your CCC.
btw, banks discretion has absolutely nothing to do with it. You cannot write a cheque out to cash and hand it to someone else as payment. The bank is highly unlikey to accept this unless you have a letter of authority from the person who wrote the cheque and ID for the person presenting it. Even then it is normally by written agreement. If the cheque is for yourself the bank has no discretion over the matter else they would be witholding your own money!!! Thats like putting your card in an ATM asking for £100 and the machine saying, "we may or may not dispense this cash, it's up to us". What a load of tosh.
In addition, when cheques processed at district service centres, banks have a limit before they even check the details on the cheque. By this, I mean I could write a cheque out for £1000 and not sign it, or even sign it with a completely different signature. The bank wouldn't bat an eyelid and the cheque would go through. If I did if for say £2000 then it would get spotted. This is purley because the bank cannot realistically inspect every cheque that passes through their systems and may set a limit to say that anything below £1000 will go through regardless, anything over will be checked.
In light of Chip & Pin though the use of cheques is becoming scarce with a lot of large companies no longer accepting them.