writing a cms from scratch

1 Feb 2006
hi guys,

im looking to find out some information on writing a content management system... im thinking of running it with a mysql and using php for the scripting.. I know nothing about cms at all but i have to write a basic one for a project.

Any useful resources on cms and their uses and implementation?

Would appreciate any feedback


are you confident with coding? I have done limited pieces here and there but will have to learn php/mysql from scratch! I could also do it using .NET which i think is linkable to mysql provided you install certain extensions.

I have months to do this so am not in any rush.. Just trying to work out my options and weigh up the pros and cons for using certain technologies.

I'm still learning :)
In 2 days I have made the site design, login and register scripts, adding editing and deleting news from a mysql database and spent ages making sure it all works.

I started by doing some power tutorial reading and looking at code and changing it.
You could buy a book if you want to learn more.
yeah il need to buy every php book there is!

I cant use any opensource stuff unfortunately.. it all has to be written by me.. for uni you see!

I dont have any specs as yet but its purely for some background research that im posting on here.

I have just built a fairly comprehensive CMS from scratch using Dreamweaver.

Definitely worth a look at the application and dynamic tools on offer

If you are competent with ASP.NET, you are competent with any language on the same paradigm - you just need to use a reference extensively.
thanks guys,

i have a little experience in some of the .net stuff but i might be required to do it in php/mysql instead...

is a cms an actual engine or is it more the collection of php files and a mysql database together?

how many lines of code are we talking for the advanced cms you wrote mate?

I wrote one to teach myself PHP.

http://www.onlinecookerybook.co.uk is a site developed using my CMS which I called Viperus.

But... it depends on what you would call a CMS. I would personally class one as an application that allows you to create sites that look nothing alike using templates and the absolute minimum of programming.
punky_munky said:
You could always do it with Ruby on Rails, you can have something up and running with logins and all very rapidly. :)

Give that man a prize. Ruby is great :-)
thanks guys for the help and the links! cookery site looks very good.. thats the kinda thing il have to do so it was good to get a look at it.

richard smith said:
I wrote one to teach myself PHP.

http://www.onlinecookerybook.co.uk is a site developed using my CMS which I called Viperus.

But... it depends on what you would call a CMS. I would personally class one as an application that allows you to create sites that look nothing alike using templates and the absolute minimum of programming.

your site made me hungry. looks really good, i shall be having meals from it in future :D
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