WSUS status unknown

18 Oct 2002
I've got a network of around 200+ user's with the updates maintained by WSUS on a 2003 server box.

Most of the pc's are fine except for a fair few who's status stays as 'unknown' on the patches, its really weird as they seem to be a mix of 2000 and 2003 server editions.

I've been looking around on the Inet all day and can't find anything really related to this as most of the discussion is based around WSUS not picking up anything from the client, whereas my problem is just the patches, wsus pics up the operating system and other things just fine!

Here's an example of the screen which shows the unknown status:

As you can see the clients are updating fine in regards to the dates!

Any bodies got any bright idea's? this is really bugging me :(

/edit "wuauclt.exe /detectnow" makes no difference.
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