WTB - Seasonic XP3 (snowsilent) Sata power

28 Dec 2018
Hi all,

I've been all over the internet looking for a single XP3 (seasonic snowsilent 750w) sata power cable.

Nothing available apart from the cablemod kits etc.

Can anybody help?
Hi and welcome to the forums. :)

Is this because you have lost a cable or because you need more connectors? Does it need to be the standard Seasonic cable or a braided one? If it's just a standard cable contact Seasonic and see if they can help you out. If it needs to be braided tou could contact Cablemod/Bitfenix or any of the other cable braiding companies and see if they will sell you a single cable. If you need extra connectors would you consider a molex to sata extension cable? These come in many different colours and being a extension they just plug onto the end of a current cable so fit any psu's. Something like this will give you 4x extra sata connectors from a single molex connector.

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Hi Pasty

Thanks for the welcome.

I need more connectors. It needs to be seasonic xp3 as my computer won't boot with a incompatible cable.

I have considered the molex to sata connectors, however i've been warned a lack of power regulation in the cables can become a hot situation. Additionally, this would make the cable managmenet messy (my particular situtation).
I may be forced to settle with this solution though.

Is it difficult to source a psu sata cable these days? I know the psu is dated.
Good shout to contact them, doubt they would sell me a single cable though :P

Thanks pasty and nadolig llawen ;)
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