WTF BF2 Problems..

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Ok I've never had all these problems other people have been so bugged of with untill now..

got home from work and know one's going down the pub till later tonight, so I thought lets have a few games of BF2. Alas log on, get a kill and then get chucked of "connection to server has been lost" Think ah the servers crashed again, but no. Theres still people on there, Then when I tried connecting to any server it comes up "connection to server has been lost". So Type it into google, and seems to relate to a problem with opening the ports up, so out of frustration i open all the ports up, log back in and all seems fine, for 5mins. Now the game just shuts down every 1sec-3mins..

Anyidea guys?
yes it does appear that a reboot helps (but not always) and I mean a complete reboot from cold.

I'm now so frustrated i'm reinstalling COD as COD2 is a load of rubbish. Hope theres still plenty of servers up.
well this truley sucks, as theres hardly any servers running 1.2 patch. Just played 20mins before it disconected then...

tried playing cod but the lack of team work annoyed me..
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