WTF is up with doom 3?!?!

16 Dec 2005
Hey guys,
I just got Doom 3 today, and I put settings straight up to 1280*1024, 4 AA all other settings to high. I started the game and I was getting 30fps at the begining, althgouh sometimes I was getting around 20..not unplayable..Then I install the GTX mod because it looks amazing and now I mainly get 20-25 fps!? I'm sure doom 3 is meant to run decently on my card, around 35-45 fps, maybe higher. Could it be that my card is hitting over 100 C which is throttling performance? I don't understand what the problem is..
Thanks a lot
Yes it should run perfectly fine but that temp is rather high, perhaps increase your fan speed, also are you OC'ing it?
Well, this morning, I dusted off my graphics card and that has lowered my temps to around 45 idle and around 82 on the ati benching test, at stock speeds. Are these new temps alright?
dave2k2005 said:
Well, this morning, I dusted off my graphics card and that has lowered my temps to around 45 idle and around 82 on the ati benching test, at stock speeds. Are these new temps alright?
Thats perfectly fine. Ofcourse the lower the better but 40s idle and 80s load is pretty normal.
DOOM3 does have a tendancy to really heat up cards, I remember a handful of people having their cards die due to leaving it on the startup screen too long, and a lot more having to back off their overclocks because of artifacts that no other game would have.
Just completed Doom 3. The graphics and sound on the last few levels are amazing, especially the last level!

Very long game that I really enjoyed, well done id, now make Doom 4. :D
Now buy the expansion pack :)

3rd party cooler to lower the temps?

I find with Doom3 you can lower the res and get big performance boosts and it will still look just as good.
Well, I realised on ultra high quality mode with doom 3 it now runs quite smoothly :) Although when I enable the GTX mod, the fps falls to around 25-30 outside, but since we are inside most of the time (so i heard ;)) then it shouldnt be a problem!
Thanks a lot guys!
dave2k2005 said:
...ultra high quality mode with doom 3...

If I remember correctly that's basically reserved for graphics cards with at least 512MB of RAM (since the only difference between that and high is that everything is uncompressed), and you have a 256MB graphics card :p
Fillado said:
If I remember correctly that's basically reserved for graphics cards with at least 512MB of RAM (since the only difference between that and high is that everything is uncompressed), and you have a 256MB graphics card :p

It'll still run on 256Mb cards, quite well on decent ones as long as you have enough system RAM and memory bandwidth to get the info to the card, but it is intended for 512Mb cards.
Another question. it runs a lot better without the GTX mod, think I should run it without, think it makes a big graphical difference to the game!?
Thank you very much
1280x1024 4xaa Ultra settings is a bit OTT for a x800gto in my book, I'm not suprised performance is suspect. I'd be thinking more along the lines of 1152x864 2xaa High settings.
Turn off AA. Even on my 7800GTX512 the ultra mode + AA is a no go.

TBH you would struggle to notice the difference between Ultra & High anyway. Even on my 24" Dell it is minor. The textures are a little sharper but thats about it.
Well, lads, I'm playing it on 1280*1024 rez, 4 AA, with a texture mod, and for the majority of the time, its smooth as silk. Everything s alright now I lowered my temps :p
Thanks for the help guys!
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