WU 6098 & 6099

18 Dec 2005
Contin, Highlands
Hi Guys,

What is the score with these 2 Work Units, I have now had 4 of them in 2 days, they take twice as long as normal and I get no points for doing them!! Is there anyone else getting these units and why no PPD?:confused:
Base scores are 1593 and 1588 respectively. My 2600K gets almost 15000 except when the 680x GPU WUs knock the PPD right down.
I've been getting a fair few 6097, 6098 and 6099, none are showing up in GPU tracker or on the list of FAH projects that I can see, however I am being credited as normal for them and they seem to get around the same PPD as other SMP units.
They're fine in HFM and FAHmon but you're right that they're not in the project list. Would you expect them to show up in GPU tracker? ;)
They're fine in HFM and FAHmon but you're right that they're not in the project list. Would you expect them to show up in GPU tracker? ;)

Well, yes, because GPU Tracker despite it's name works with all Windows folding clients :) been using it for around a year now.
I don't see 6097/6098/6099 listed on the psummary page, nor the beta psummaryC page, so I'd be interested to know where HFM and FAHmon are pulling their project info from nowadays so I can change GPU Tracker's settings to get it from the same place. Very strange.
They are now in psummaryC which is what I've got FahMon set to read. They definitely weren't a week ago so I don't know how the data were being picked up.
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