WU Problem

25 Apr 2006
Appreciate any help as this is driving me mad. Wanted to tidy up my old pc so I reinstalled windows xp pro (legit copy). I have done this many times in the past cos of the kids clogging everything up. When I try WU I get an error 0x80072EFF which is something to do with a network problem.

After a while checking if your computer has the latest version of windows updating software, which tells me it uses activex etc. It goes to a page where it says the website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page. It then gives the error number 0x80072EFF.

The only difference this time from any other in reinstalling windows is I have created a partition on the drive.

Just thought shouldnt I have to click an activex ok thingy at the top of my page? Or am I thinking of something else?
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That didnt help thanks. The 0x80072EFF is apparently a network error, so I have tried to access my other pc which I can and see the shared folders, BUT it will not let me open them. Perhaps this is the fault causing both problems!! Anyone?
Kami said:
Make sure your AV software isn't blocking scripts, other than that to be honest I'm a little out of ideas :(

I havent even installed that yet. As I said it is a fresh install on a pc I have installed several times before and never had the problem.

I have just tried downloading something from elsewhere and I cannot download anything either. This I think is causing my update problem. I now have a headache too!!!!
I picked up on something about reaD ONLY TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES AND IT LOOKS LIKE IT HAS WORKED. Ooops. caps lock. The only problem is I am not sure how many other things I have tried That I am going to reinstall windows once more to see. Glutton for punishment
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